Eating enough?

Hi guys.
I have a question. Does anyone have any idea about how accurate MFP's calorie goals are? I have a fitbit which tells me I have to eat waay more than MFP does. For example my fitbit clocked my calories burned for the day around 2600. Therefore for a 500 deficit, I needed to eat 2100. Now MFP has me at 1440 without exercise + 400 for exercise. Around 1840 calories for the day. Now I have hit a plateau for almost a month now and I'm not sure what's going on. (Yes I weigh food, drink plenty of water, etc.) But I also have been very hungry lately so I'm wondering if maybe I should be going with fitbit's numbers (even though it seems high). The plateau is making me crazy. (on a side note, I may be losing inches because clothes are not fitting at all, but weight is not moving. Strangest thing)


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    edited February 2016
    Well, if you are very hungry, try going with fitbit's numbers. Even if high, it sounds more sustainable, and most people I know find fitbit to be quite close. Give the scale some more time, it sounds like you are losing since your clothes are fitting differently, so I bet it will show up on the scale sooner or later. If your plateau continues another month, consider revising your calorie goals. Also, you might find any of the following helpful for hunger: increasing exercise and eating the extra kcals (according to fitbit), increasing fiber, increasing healthy fats, moderating starchy/sugary carbs, increasing protein. Try these out and see what works for you.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Weight loss is not linear.

    You say yourself that your measurements are decreasing.

    No calorie goals are accurate. They are non-personal best guess estimates that should be used as a starting point for figuring out your own calorie target.

    Pick a number, hit that number for a sustained period. Track and observe trends. Adjust as necessary.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks. I'm thinking of going with fitbit's numbers.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    260 calories in the difference isn't huge. Both a meant to be starting points, not exact.

    Personally, if you aren't losing for a month at the lower numbers, I wouldn't be moving up to the higher intake (at this calorie level). My first thought would be to have a good hard look at my logging. How are you measuring? Double check entries? How many days have you missed? etc.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    I've logged for 194 days. I mean I'm 25 lbs down, it's just that I'm...stuck. I thought about decreasing by 200ish calories, so eating 1500-1600 calories, but that would mean that I wasn't netting at least 1200 calories, which I heard was bad.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Do you use something that shows you your weight trend, like trendweight or happy weight?
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Also, if you open your diet, I'm sure people can help you figure out if there are any holes.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    I have a personal excel sheet. I weigh myself and map the trends. I also use MFP's tools. I update every Friday (if there is a change.)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited February 2016
    maf2045 wrote: »
    I've logged for 194 days. I mean I'm 25 lbs down, it's just that I'm...stuck. I thought about decreasing by 200ish calories, so eating 1500-1600 calories, but that would mean that I wasn't netting at least 1200 calories, which I heard was bad.

    When was the last time you calculated your calorie intake though MFP?

    I'm not saying how many days have you logged. Are you logging everything, everyday? It doesn't hurt to look back. How do you measure you entries?

    Are you willing to open your diary?
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    I log every meal. I meal prep every sunday and input meals beforehand and change as I deviate. I tried adjusting MFP but the calories came out the same.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Also, what are you doing for exercise?
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    Strength (2 reps of 20 for all, everday): Squats, Side ab crunches, situps, pushups, bicycles, and inner legs raises
    Cardio (everday 30 -45 minutes): Zumba, salsa, hip hop. I have a list of around 20 songs and choose them at random until the time is up.
    On average my fitbit has me burning around 400-500 a workout.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    maf2045 wrote: »
    Strength (2 reps of 20 for all, everday): Squats, Side ab crunches, situps, pushups, bicycles, and inner legs raises
    Cardio (everday 30 -45 minutes): Zumba, salsa, hip hop. I have a list of around 20 songs and choose them at random until the time is up.
    On average my fitbit has me burning around 400-500 a workout.

    When was the last time you calculated your MFP calorie intake?

    I'm going to say that 400-500 is too high for those activities for that time frame.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    Hmm... it's possible my calories are off. (Like I said they seemed high. But I wasn't sure because I'm obese and burn more than normal during workouts.) Maybe I shouldn't eat back all my exercise calories and should only eat half.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    maf2045 wrote: »
    Hmm... it's possible my calories are off. (Like I said they seemed high. But I wasn't sure because I'm obese and burn more than normal during workouts.) Maybe I shouldn't eat back all my exercise calories and should only eat half.

    Well, I'm asking if you have calculated your MFP numbers since losing weight. If not, it will likely give you a lower number. You could try that.
    You could also try eating a portion of your exercise back, even as high as 75%.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    Yeah it gives me 1440 without exercise. The same as before. My total calories jump to 1800+ a day due to fitbit but there's a possibility that increase is false. I have noticed since Christmas that MFP is having a hard time synching with fitbit. Either it doesn't fit or it double credits. I tried to ignore those credits but there may be additional issues I'm not aware of.
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    *doesn't synch
  • pchca
    pchca Posts: 31 Member
    I had the same problem. I unsynched my Fitbit from MFP. I only follow what MFP says to eat, plus eat back some exercise calories. This has worked for me. I found Fitbit to be way too high
  • maf2045
    maf2045 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks pchca. Yeah I have a feeling that fitbit may be sabotaging things. I'm probably going to do the same thing as you.