Chinese Takeaway what should I eat??

LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Firstly I am almost at my goal weight and happy to have a bit of a splurge tonight but don't want to totally ruin all my hard work LOL!!

Tomorrow is Father's Day here in Ireland and my hubby wants a chinese takeaway tonight I love chinese especially Sweet and Sour Chicken and Fried Rice could it be any worse I ask!!! Have not had any food like this in ages so I have done extra exercise this morning so that I can actually enjoy my takeaway and my question is what is the best thing to order I know its all going to be high in calories but somethings must be better than others?? Any suggestions but nothing spicey please thanks - Lisa


  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    sitr fry veg with king prawns with boiled rice! Anything stir fried rather than deep fried has got to be better, avoid the sticky sauces too. :smile:
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    the soups are good too the egg drop and the hot an sour not high in calories they normally use low sodium broth and just eggs. Also the chicken on a stick its like grilled chicken those are pretty good choices as well.
  • mellimeter
    mellimeter Posts: 102 Member
    We had Chinese take out last night, so I did a lot of research before I made my decision of what to eat! I went with Steamed Chicken and Broccoli with sauce on the side!
  • Krazyfit
    Krazyfit Posts: 12
    There is also the theory of having a little bit of what it is you truly want. Another Thought order something healthy like steamed veggies etc... and then have a little of the fried rice or sweet and sour. Make your plate 2/3rds the healthy and eat most of that first then just enough of the "not so good" so you can enjoy the flavor without feeling like you have to eat a ton of it.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks guy lots of great ideas going to get out the menu now and do a little thinking. Also great idea to ask for the sauce on the side doing that for sure!!
  • Eat whatever you like, but eat half of what you normally would - If you consciously eat way slower than normal it's much easier to accomplish this. The left-overs can be re-heated for lunch tomorrow!

    I have Chinese food (and other takeaway crap) practically every weekend cos I'm addicted to the stuff, but my continued fat loss is attributed to sticking with the above eating habits, plus boosting my metabolism through quick 15-minute weight training sessions during the week.

    Enjoy your delicious Chinese food tonight - I know I will!
  • Stick with the steamed stuff if they have it. Also, the Moogoo Gai Pan (Not sure how to spell that). Say with the white/clear sauces because they have less fat. No noodles. They put tons of oil in that stuff.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I love Chinese food! My standby: steamed chicken & broccoli with sauce on the side. I dip my fork into the sauce & then pick up chicken or broccoli. It keeps the amount of sauce to a minimum but I still get the flavor. Half a portion is just 300 calories.
  • cachef1
    cachef1 Posts: 10 Member
    Unfortunately trying to get what I would call "clean" chinese food any longer seems to have become difficult outside of the good places in major metropolitan areas. And I like it as much as anyone, but far from being healty it is usually so heavy on the oil, sodium, and sugars to mention just a few. But you have such great suggestions here on your replies. I would go along with those who have suggested steamed options as even stir fried can mean way too much oil in todays chinese take out places. We have also gotten things a little backwards here in the west. We use the grain (rice) as a small bed for the savory items. In Asia in general, rice is the main part of the plate with what we would call the main item used as a side to perk up the flavor of an otherwise bland rice diet. Thus I would go for the steamed items and the grain, but don't forget that you have done so well that it is OK to have a little of the other. Relish it and enjoy it knowing that the next day you will be back eating your healthy ways. Remember if this is going to be a life style change for you, it is for the rest of your life and little exceptions can fit into that easily as long as they don't become the norm.
  • JenKoz4
    JenKoz4 Posts: 37
    You could always try to find some recipes and do "Chinese takeout" at home? At least for yourself, it would be much healthier.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    We got a chinese last night. I had chicken & mushroom with boiled rice. Used the NV's from here so if they are correct then it wasn't too bad. Obv boiled rice is boiled rice, no worries there. The chicken & mushroom was in a gravy type sauce and didn't seem to be oily so I think the values were pretty spot on. Enjoy.
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    I love Chinese food. My favourite was always shredded beef or chicken balls. I only have those if I'm treating myself now though!

    I'm not keen on boiled rice so I'd never order that but of course that would be a great option if you do like it. When I was doing Slimming World, chicken fried rice and chicken chow mein had the lowest "syn" values of the food I liked so I try to stick to those if I'm being good.

    Enjoy!! xx :drinker:
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks everyone have done alot of checking on line and have decided on the following for dinner:-

    Chinese Take Away - Boiled Rice, 260 g
    Chinese Takeaway - Chicken and Cashews, 500 g
    Total calories = 943 (WOW)

    I am going with the boiled rice as suggested and would love to say I'm only going to eat half the dinner but I have no will power when the food is in front of me so that's not going to happen LOL!! Also told hubby NO PRAWN CRACKERS as I normal eat most of these. I did a big walk today and had a tiny lunch and btreakfast so calories used is 1292 which is really not bad!!! Thanks again all I'm off to enjoy my chinese
  • amaczu
    amaczu Posts: 23 Member
    I get Chicken & Broccoli and ask for the sauce on the SIDE! I also get a spring roll on the side for a snack later.
  • jlcrose
    jlcrose Posts: 22
    Last night I had Shrimp and Mixed Vegetables, it was only 150 calories per cup. Also white rice, that added 200 calories per cup but for only 350 total I didn't think it was bad. I had some duck sauce too, but use that sparingly.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I love my local Chinese place they have Steamed veggies that they put a light garlic sauce on which doesn't have alot of sodium and no msg. I eat a smaller serving of fried rice and stay away from anything fried. LOL. The mei fun(thin noodles) if they have it is made from rice flour and is often tossed with a light sauce
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