I binged today

I binged today. I hadn't in weeks and I thought I was becoming a "normal eater," but today I binged.

Back story: My cousin is getting married in September. We were close growing up. Then we went to college, then lived far apart, so we became slightly less close, but still friends. I was a little surprised that she didn't choose me as a her maid of honor, but I got over it because it's her day, it's not about me. Since I live closer to her than the rest of the wedding party, I told her I would help out in any way. She told me she wanted me to go with her to find a wedding dress and would let me know when that would be happening.

Today: I found out from my mom via text that my cousin already went dress shopping (with her mom) and bought one. I got upset partly because I wanted to share that experience with her since I might not ever have it myself. But also because she didn't tell me. I would have understood completely if she had said "Sorry, but I want this to be something just my mom and I share." So, I was sad about that. But, my mom then called me to ask if it's okay if she offers my cousin (her goddaughter) her wedding veil as the "something borrowed." (Seems my cousin didn't get a veil because finances are tight.) I guess she "asked" me thinking that I would want her veil. I honestly hadn't thought about it, so of course I wasn't going to refuse. However, that just pushed me deeper into sadness. I became sentimental and started thinking how I'm probably never going to have the opportunity to even consider wearing my mom's veil, and in my irrational mind, my cousin's dress/veil/wedding became a symbol for things that I'm not going to have. Like I was mourning something, you know? Marriage isn't important to me, but it's still a little sad to see this experience from afar and know I might not have it. Just because it's something that women are expected go through, like a rite of passage. The closest thing I can compare it to is this: I have PCOS, and I always thought that if I found out I couldn't have kids I would be sad and would mourn what might have been, but wouldn't be devastated because I don't have a great desire to procreate.

Anyways, that's why I binged. I had all these feelings of sadness that I didn't want to deal with. And now I feel like I failed. I have no idea how this will affect my weight, because I don't know my weight/rate of weight loss. My nutritionist does blind weigh-ins — he says if the number is going to screw with me, then I don't get to see it. I don't know where I'm going with this, I just had to confess that I binged because I've been racked with guilt all day.

Rant over.


  • bigbodybake
    bigbodybake Posts: 49 Member
    All I can think right now, and it's your fault, those cookies look delicious. Everything else is going to work itself out. Sorry to hear your cousin didn't at least mention it to ya, I'm sure that would frustrate me as well
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    It isn't clear if you would like to be married some day or not. If you do there's plenty of fish in the sea.

    Maybe your cousin and her mom didn't plan to go dress shopping and it happened spontaneously. They could have thought they were just pre-looking and ended up finding the perfect dress. That's how I bought my wedding dress.

    You can still wear the veil if you get married. In fact it might be kind of cool that your mom and cousin wore it too. Or you might buy a dress that needs another kind of veil. I think it's nice your mom asked if it was okay first.

    8 months until the wedding. You can either have fun with all the wedding nuttiness or just distance yourself from it. Do whatever makes you happy. There's nothing wrong with either option.

    When I over eat around a situation, I log everything as I eat it if not before. I read here that a woman actually says "I am choosing to eat xx amount of calories" with every bite. Seeing the calorie number going up helps me stop. I also close my diary for the day as I eat so I see the 5 week estimate for what I will weigh and that's enlightening. I have deleted food and not eaten it when I see that number go up. The main thing is to jump right back to your calorie goal after you have over eaten. Don't use the episode as an excuse to eat more. Tell the nutritionist what happened. He will have suggestions too.

    I think it's going to take me many months before I am a normal eater. Everyone has the potential to become a normal eater though if they work on it. My episodes and the urge to have an episode have gotten further apart in the 7 months I've been working on it.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Well, fortunately for you, life refuses to fit into the "all or nothing" shaped mold that you are trying to cram it into.

    You are not engaged to be married right now, but there's every reason to believe that it couldn't happen someday if you want it to.

    Same with having children.

    "Normal" eaters sometimes screw up, because no one is perfect.

    One days worth of binge will not cause you to suddenly gain a lot of weight, just like one day of eating well won't suddenly make you thin.

    You deserve some forgiveness! It's ok to screw up, especially when you recognize it for what it is, learn from it and move forward.

    When you think of it like that, you're doing pretty well!