298 pounds at 21.

Honestly, I've struggled with my weight my entire life. There's always been one reason or another for starting the diet: family members that think they need to tear you down to the point of losing your self worth to trying to please your boyfriend who refers to you as a "good friend" in public. I'd like to think none of those diets worked because none of them were for me. At 21, I feel I am finally ready to do this for me. A life change that I deserve. I needed to learn to love myself first and foremost. Now that I've started working on that, I'm ready to work on my physical health. I have PCOS and have been told my best chance at naturally conceiving a child is to lose weight. I don't want my size to prevent me from having a family. I also have sleep apnea. All of these reasons are why I'm here. I just want to be able to ride roller coasters again. I'll add anyone back that adds me--I'm sure we could all use the support. GOOD LUCK! <3


  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    Diets don't work it has to be a life style change. And you have to be ready to do it keep a positive attitude and stay focused. Set small goals there easier to reach. I will ad you as a friend.
  • ohrockon
    ohrockon Posts: 10 Member
    Ahhhhhh yes! I am starting this journey myself today and I will most deff add you as a friend. I am 24 myself and truthfully feeling positive has made me lose the 20+ pounds from last year and now I have a new goal to really get the weight lost going! Would love to be there to motivate you!
  • 0707ottley
    0707ottley Posts: 1 Member
    I can't see to find how to add you as a friend.
    But if you want support, add me!
  • You're beautiful and so capable of pulling this off! I'd love to be a fly on the wall as that boyfriend kicks himself for ever being a d*ck! Wishing you the very best of luck :) Feel free to add me
  • slwebster997
    slwebster997 Posts: 11 Member
    hey! good luck... add me!
  • vballstlgirl
    vballstlgirl Posts: 24 Member
    Well, you could lose 100+ pounds quite easily by dumping your jerk of a boyfriend ;) But seriously, you can totally do this. There is a lot of inspiration out on Facebook - I lost big and so can you, running from fat, Sunshine's Journey to 199, etc. Also, try to surround yourself with people who support you - easier said than done, I know. For starters, you could see if there is a weight loss support group by you (or something like that) on Meetup - its a great site to find like minded people. Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.
  • AlexandriaSykes
    AlexandriaSykes Posts: 15 Member
    Hi you guys I am trying to lose 50lbs i am currently at 183... time to change just dont have a good support system
  • winnbrittney
    winnbrittney Posts: 5 Member
    A week and a half in and still going strong!
  • johnrgarcia858
    johnrgarcia858 Posts: 14 Member
    Never back down!! Keep up and don't quit and strive to be the best!!
  • You can do it! Trust me, you want to do it now. I'm 42 and wish I could go back and slap my 21 year old self and say, get it together! You are going to mess up, have bad days, eat junk, etc... The key is to get right back on track. I know it's easier said then done but it's definitely possible.
  • winnbrittney
    winnbrittney Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys!!
  • musichales
    musichales Posts: 121 Member
    My best friend ha PCOS and has been struggling to conceive for 3 years now. I know how hard it can be on someone to endure that challenge (whether you're trying now or just considering the future) but I have faith that you can meet your goals!! You are young and BEAUTIFUL!! I would love to help support your on your journey to a healthier and happier self! Ill add you so we can boost each other!
  • bikinivirgin
    bikinivirgin Posts: 57 Member
    winnbrittney can you add me? It be nice to chat with someone that is closer to my size