Let's be buddies!! Focus: food, nutrition.

Hello! I'm Amanda... late 20s, lifelong chubby kid looking to increase health!

I work full-time as a bartender AND part-time as a server at a sports bar... busy busy active days! So I'm mainly here to keep a laser focus on my calorie intake and nutrition. (Eventually, if I come to a plateau, I'll probably want to dial up the exercise... but not my focus yet!)

I'm looking for friends who are active and consistent on MFP... for support and motivation!


  • kristinaTuckett
    kristinaTuckett Posts: 17 Member
    Hey I'm kristina. 23 years old. I'm on the same boat. I'm pretty active at work too but I eat a lot. I lost 25 lb 2 years ago using MFP but fell off track because I cut my calories down way too much and I just couldn't continue eating that little. This time around, I am aiming to loose 1 to 1.5 lb a week. Of course I'm gonna go for more , but I don't want to burn out like always before. Just looking for friends who are motivated to do this also. May I add you ?
  • olivetwistful
    olivetwistful Posts: 9 Member
    Hey @mandizz0317, I'm a bartender, too. It's a tough lifestyle to juggle with staying in shape despite the workout of a busy bar. My friends and coworkers are all hard drinkers, food lovers, and cigarette smokers. I try to hang with the gays & go dancing if I stay out late after work. I am looking to stay motivated with someone in the same profession!
  • MrRheritage
    MrRheritage Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hello Amanda, diet control alone can become an uphill battle because as you lose weight your body needs less calories. That's where a bit of light exercise comes in. Take a look at the app called ingress, it's a great way to move about and discover your surroundings. I average 100km a month playing fairly casually.

    Also scan as many Bar codes as you can with my fitness pal, it will highlight foods that contain high fat sugar and salt and tell you about the good stuff too. This can be very helpful and enlightening :)
  • mikeshostek
    mikeshostek Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me! More motivation and support the better!
  • bobbers187
    bobbers187 Posts: 17 Member
    28. Trying to lose the lbs. while trying toget prego. I'm completely diet focused right now. Trying to learn what to eat and what not to eat. Id love friends with diaries visible so I can get ideas on what to eat. Please feel free to add me.