I do interactive status updates & would love more accountabuddies!



  • kendanault
    kendanault Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2016
    Feel free to add me! I started at 241 and am down to 205. My overall goal is 145. So close to half way I can taste it !!
  • CroneStar
    CroneStar Posts: 21 Member
    I love your ideas for weigh in and NSV. I want to help motivate each other.
  • Nikkimoi
    Nikkimoi Posts: 6 Member
    How do you add other members? I'm new to this process but would love "accountabuddies" (love that term
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    I'd love to have some more friends who are interacting with each other often. It truly does help.

    I'm 20lbs down and looking to keep going. Plateau land now!!
  • whitt125
    whitt125 Posts: 58 Member
    Nice to meet you all! Sending requests now.
  • ChiliBeans
    ChiliBeans Posts: 35 Member
    You can add me too. I love that you have status updates. I am currently trying to gain muscle and stay in shape.
    I'm 5'9"
    26 years old
    150 pounds
    My goal is to be able to bench press my own weight by the end of this year. I'm currently at 120 pounds but I keep gaining weight by either being lazy or un motivated to go to lift or do cardio. I would love you have you on my friend list if you'll have me ^_^
  • seo07
    seo07 Posts: 10 Member
    whitt125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Whitney and I just started my journey towards fitness, weight loss and general kickassery on January 20th and I'd love to have even more supportive and motivating friends...just like you! The people I've met so far on MFP are such a source of inspiration to me, and make staying focused hella easier. It really is true; there is strength in numbers.

    If you're considering adding me as a friend, here's a few things you may want to know:

    1. WIW - every Wednesday, I post a status update on my timeline with my weekly weigh in and encourage my pals to reply with a comment on that status with their info. That way, there's one consolidated spot where we can check in with each other's progress and cheer each other on!

    2. NSV Sunday - And because the scale can sometimes be a fickle little b*tch, I also post a status on Sunday's where we can all share a weekly NSV. No matter how big or small the victory, it's a nice reminder to enjoy the journey and to focus on the real reasons we're doing this...quality of life!

    If you want to know more about me:

    I'm 5'2
    SW: 223.4
    CW: 216.2
    GW: 125ish

    I lift 5 days per week, using dumbells at home. That's the only exercise I'm currently doing.
    I'm pretty transparent, because bad days happen and that's ok.
    I'm ridiculous, but I mean well.

    14 days new feel free to add me
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    I (re)started 170 days ago at 165ish pounds. As of this morning, I'm down to 149.8. I like the idea of status updates, both weight and NSV. In December I starting lifting 3 times per week and walk daily, as my dog demands it. Feel free to add me.
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    Hey feel free to add me too. I don't always status update, but when I do, I try to make them interesting!

    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 220-ish
    CW: 206.5 (last Friday weigh-in)
    GW: 165-170
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member

    We've got similar stats...

    5'0 female
    CW: 216
    GW: I don't know....back in the day when I was like a size 3-5 I weighed like 145-150. I thought I was too small then....ideal size would be 7/8. So wherever that happens I'll be happy there (lol I think...maybe push for a 6)! In the short term though I just want to see onederland.

    Add me!
  • sarahjane0306
    sarahjane0306 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'd love to have some more buddies. I'm trying to re-lose weight I lost about a year and a half ago.

    I'm 5'4" and...

  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    I love this!! I can't add you for some reason, but feel free to add me as well.
    SW: 148
    CW 136
  • c_ung
    c_ung Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! feel free to add me too, and that goes for everyone else! I've been on this journey a long time alone and would love more interactive friends with support and motivation!

    Height: 5'5"
    GW: 135-140
  • Goatsmith
    Goatsmith Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sent you an add. More interactive friends would definitely help me reach my goals

    Height: 5'8
    SW: 178
    CW: 174
    GW: 165 (or ~14-17% bodyfat, whichever's first)

    I run nearly every day, walk every day, and lift at least three times a week.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Add me!

    SW: 251
    CW: 162
    GW: 135-140
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    Hello! Please add me - I'm toiling away at this in a village all alone and trying to keep it more or less secret from my nearest dearests for fear of mockery!

    sw 250ish
    cw 238
    gw UK size 14!

    Walking and using a stationary bike but intending to step it all up ... till the mockery melts away...!
  • Becomingme_elly
    Becomingme_elly Posts: 12 Member
    whitt125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Whitney and I just started my journey towards fitness, weight loss and general kickassery on January 20th and I'd love to have even more supportive and motivating friends...just like you! The people I've met so far on MFP are such a source of inspiration to me, and make staying focused hella easier. It really is true; there is strength in numbers.

    If you're considering adding me as a friend, here's a few things you may want to know:

    1. WIW - every Wednesday, I post a status update on my timeline with my weekly weigh in and encourage my pals to reply with a comment on that status with their info. That way, there's one consolidated spot where we can check in with each other's progress and cheer each other on!

    2. NSV Sunday - And because the scale can sometimes be a fickle little b*tch, I also post a status on Sunday's where we can all share a weekly NSV. No matter how big or small the victory, it's a nice reminder to enjoy the journey and to focus on the real reasons we're doing this...quality of life!

    If you want to know more about me:

    I'm 5'2
    SW: 223.4
    CW: 216.2
    GW: 125ish

    I lift 5 days per week, using dumbells at home. That's the only exercise I'm currently doing.
    I'm pretty transparent, because bad days happen and that's ok.
    I'm ridiculous, but I mean well.
    whitt125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Whitney and I just started my journey towards fitness, weight loss and general kickassery on January 20th and I'd love to have even more supportive and motivating friends...just like you! The people I've met so far on MFP are such a source of inspiration to me, and make staying focused hella easier. It really is true; there is strength in numbers.

    If you're considering adding me as a friend, here's a few things you may want to know:

    1. WIW - every Wednesday, I post a status update on my timeline with my weekly weigh in and encourage my pals to reply with a comment on that status with their info. That way, there's one consolidated spot where we can check in with each other's progress and cheer each other on!

    2. NSV Sunday - And because the scale can sometimes be a fickle little b*tch, I also post a status on Sunday's where we can all share a weekly NSV. No matter how big or small the victory, it's a nice reminder to enjoy the journey and to focus on the real reasons we're doing this...quality of life!

    If you want to know more about me:

    I'm 5'2
    SW: 223.4
    CW: 216.2
    GW: 125ish

    I lift 5 days per week, using dumbells at home. That's the only exercise I'm currently doing.
    I'm pretty transparent, because bad days happen and that's ok.
    I'm ridiculous, but I mean well.
    whitt125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Whitney and I just started my journey towards fitness, weight loss and general kickassery on January 20th and I'd love to have even more supportive and motivating friends...just like you! The people I've met so far on MFP are such a source of inspiration to me, and make staying focused hella easier. It really is true; there is strength in numbers.

    If you're considering adding me as a friend, here's a few things you may want to know:

    1. WIW - every Wednesday, I post a status update on my timeline with my weekly weigh in and encourage my pals to reply with a comment on that status with their info. That way, there's one consolidated spot where we can check in with each other's progress and cheer each other on!

    2. NSV Sunday - And because the scale can sometimes be a fickle little b*tch, I also post a status on Sunday's where we can all share a weekly NSV. No matter how big or small the victory, it's a nice reminder to enjoy the journey and to focus on the real reasons we're doing this...quality of life!

    If you want to know more about me:

    I'm 5'2
    SW: 223.4
    CW: 216.2
    GW: 125ish

    I lift 5 days per week, using dumbells at home. That's the only exercise I'm currently doing.
    I'm pretty transparent, because bad days happen and that's ok.
    I'm ridiculous, but I mean well.

  • Becomingme_elly
    Becomingme_elly Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I would love to have more friends that we could could give each other more mutual accountability and support. Here are my stats:

    5' 2.5" (to be exact) I usually just say 5' 3"
    SW: 195
    Hoping to achieve this by this year. Please add me. I am 30yrs old and have
    4 kids all under 6 yrs old including a set of twins
  • gabes1mum
    gabes1mum Posts: 1 Member
    I am getting married in July this year and want to be in the best shape of my life but finding it difficult to lose any weight, would like to have an online support system to motivate and inspire me to lose the last lbs...
    CW 142lbs
    GW 125lbs
    Please add me
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    Me! Today, I hit a 30 day streak and I’ve lost 10 lbs. I’m in this for the long-haul though, so some friends would be great!

    I’m 5’6” F
    SW: 215
    CW: 205
    GW: 140