Trying to lose weight, advice needed!

Since Saturday I've on a big, detox, healthy eating, diet type of thing. I've completely cut out deserts and sweets and fizzy drinks and I've reduced all portion sizes. I've actually done my very best to completely cut out sugar used as an additive, and I'd say I'm 99.9% of the way there. I'm 12stone and I love my food, normally, especially desert and could never say no to haribo, ice lollies and chocolate. Those are all gone now.
I've increased the amount of plain water I drink and swapped white tea with mint tea (which actually tastes really nice if you give it a chance!)
According to the app I'm only actually getting about 720 calories per day and it says I should eat more. The thing is, I'm just not hungry! I'm also a college student and its study week, so I'm literally sitting at my desk, studying. Very, very low exercise, I don't think walking around my flat counts as anything!
I know it's only been, what, 4 days? But I'm planning on keeping up this low calorie thing at least until I'm back at college, and then reintroducing bigger foods.

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing to be honest. I was exactly 12 stone on Saturday and I still am today, honestly, that's a little disappointing. However, like I've already said, I'm doing 0 exercise and I've also got my period. I've never been one to track that, but I think I bloat/put on weight at that time of the month.

Any advice at all would be appreciated!


  • kiara1066
    kiara1066 Posts: 119 Member
    The best advice I can give you is eat more honestly 750 calories is not enough to sustain you well. Your putting yourself at risk under eating and try to go for at least 1200. I used to be in college, and I would grab lunch from home or eat somewhere even during finals week or any day I was studying. Nourish your mind and body with food. Make time for yourself use the goals that my fitness pal gives you. Enter in the amount of weight you want to lose, and eat that caloric amount. My fitness pal tells you when you eat at 750 calories the risk it puts you in please read it. It's good to cut out fizzy drinks if you like. Get more fruits and vegetables in your life to get to that 1200 or whatever more you choose. Have snacks packed peanuts, hard boiled egg, even chocolate is fine in moderation. There is nothing wrong with deserts in moderation. I eat cake 2 times a week, and I enjoy eating out at least 3 times a week. I have lost 16 pounds so far eating what I love in moderation and eating back some of my workout calories. Even when I wasn't working out I ate at 1200-1350 depending on my goals. Best of luck try a different approach.
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    are you weighing all your food? you are most likely eating more than you think. As well give this some time, weight loss does not happen overnight nor is it always consitent
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    Weigh your food on a digital food scale. Eat what ever , mfp days to eat. Their program works, I followed it and lost 110 lbs last year.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    OK - cut out all bread, and cows milk too.
  • arwhivlogs
    arwhivlogs Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm trying to hit that calorie goal now, it's strange to think that I need to eat more!! I'm going to weigh my food to give a more accurate calorie count and keep on snacking on my favourites; bananas and hard boiled eggs!
    Good news is that the new gym down the road from me opens on Tuesday! Yay! I can get this diet supplemented with some good old fashioned cardio, and I know that when I go to the gym it's important to eat well! :-)
  • zzabbair123
    zzabbair123 Posts: 3 Member
    So I try on my old clothes and guess what they've gone tight, feel so down and upset need to lose weight but need to motivation don't no what to eat and what to do any advice please ?
  • zzabbair123
    zzabbair123 Posts: 3 Member
    Weigh your food on a digital food scale. Eat what ever , mfp days to eat. Their program works, I followed it and lost 110 lbs last year.

    How much calories should one intake ?
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    How much calories should one intake ?

    Enter your personal information in the app (height/weight/sex) and your per week goal. The app will give you a number to hit, minimum 1200 per day for women.
  • proklick
    proklick Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    losing weight or containg your weight does not come easy. have to be honest. it takes a lot of effort and many components in daily life to contain that beautiful body. personally i have been weighing 52 kgs on average for i think the last 15 years and am 31 years old! from my experience i have to be honest life style plays a big role here! for example i eat a lot of fruits, walk close to 1 km everyday. try it out as well, it may help. wish you good luck!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Honestly, so many changes at once make success a little less likely. I've lost 11 pounds since January 1st and my focus hasn't been obsessive clean foods, it's little choices daily. Weighing my food, using a desk cycle when sitting, and aiming for a caloric goal (above 1300 below 1600, weekly average around 1500) have been my success. I still enjoy occasional treats, a daily diet soda, coffee, potato fries once a week, occasional dessert. I feel eating chocolate Fiber One bars when needed has helped me stay away from Reese's and Twix chocolate bars. Getting healthier can be a lifestyle you can live forever, not just for short term goals.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited February 2016
    Honestly, so many changes at once make success a little less likely. I've lost 11 pounds since January 1st and my focus hasn't been obsessive clean foods, it's little choices daily. Weighing my food, using a desk cycle when sitting, and aiming for a caloric goal (above 1300 below 1600, weekly average around 1500) have been my success. I still enjoy occasional treats, a daily diet soda, coffee, potato fries once a week, occasional dessert. I feel eating chocolate Fiber One bars when needed has helped me stay away from Reese's and Twix chocolate bars. Getting healthier can be a lifestyle you can live forever, not just for short term goals.


    Losing weight is just step 1. Then you have a whole lifetime to keep the weight off, and most people fail. To make drastic changes, or temporary changes to lose weight makes keeping the weight off much harder.

    Pick out some general goals that you can keep for life. Such as more veggies everyday or some form of exercise several times a week (build up to this).

    I eat chocolate everyday. Not full sized candy bars, but a Ghiradelli dark chocolate square. I still drink a fizzy soda everyday (albeit diet). You just need to know what the "price" is for treats. Measuring & logging makes me accountable. It let's me know, can't have chocolate whenever....but you can have a little.

    All things in moderation. I'm not fat because I eat treats or because I don't eat "clean" - I'm fat because my portion sizes are too big - and I have too many snacks.
  • arwhivlogs
    arwhivlogs Posts: 4 Member
    ShashayLee wrote: »
    are you weighing all your food? you are most likely eating more than you think. As well give this some time, weight loss does not happen overnight nor is it always consitent

    I just weighed my dinner properly and it comes to about 120 calories more than I was logging it at! I'm terrible at guessing weights and portion sizes, thanks for the tip!

  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    arwhivlogs wrote: »
    ShashayLee wrote: »
    are you weighing all your food? you are most likely eating more than you think. As well give this some time, weight loss does not happen overnight nor is it always consitent

    I just weighed my dinner properly and it comes to about 120 calories more than I was logging it at! I'm terrible at guessing weights and portion sizes, thanks for the tip!

    surprising isn't it? i found that out myself. Now i weigh pretty much everything even at work
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    arwhivlogs wrote: »
    I've completely cut out deserts and sweets and fizzy drinks...... I've actually done my very best to completely cut out sugar used as an additive,,,,

    You don't need to do any of that to lose weight. Eat the foods you love in reasonable portions (so glad you got a food scale) and log everything faithfully. Eat at a deficit and you'll lose.

    Be honest: do you think you cut out deserts and sweets and all the foods you love forever? Yeah, I didn't think so. I know I couldn't. Strike a balance and come up with a sustainable way of eating.

    Good luck!

  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    arwhivlogs wrote: »
    I've completely cut out deserts and sweets and fizzy drinks...... I've actually done my very best to completely cut out sugar used as an additive,,,,

    You don't need to do any of that to lose weight. Eat the foods you love in reasonable portions (so glad you got a food scale) and log everything faithfully. Eat at a deficit and you'll lose.

    Be honest: do you think you cut out deserts and sweets and all the foods you love forever? Yeah, I didn't think so. I know I couldn't. Strike a balance and come up with a sustainable way of eating.

    Good luck!

    This is the truth. I eat chocolate and icecream and drink wine and beer, but factor it into my calories. Feeling deprived, tired, and bored with a bland diet is the #1 way to fall off the horse and give up. Even if it means slower loss (and it doesn't necessarily), better to lose more slowly and keep it off than to cut out all the things you like, lose a bunch of weight quickly, run out of steam (which you most likely will) and then gain it all back. Those stats about weight loss failure are all to do with people not making sustainable choices. But be smart and patient about it and you can totally do it!