living for my boys

punkinrn Posts: 32 Member
so here is the dealio, i'm 32 year old female, mother of two, wife of one and nurse to many. I've been on this website for a few months and so far has treated me well, 15lbs down! I've done it all, low carb, phentermine, cabbage diet, hcg......bottom line i know what is healthy and what isnt. It became more than a wieght loss journey after having gestational diabetes for the second time with my second child. Not to mention the pregnancy induced high blood pressure and preeclampsia, that was fun. I love my children more than anything in this world, and that is why when I am pushing myself on that last half mile and my side aches and my 32 year old knees are pounding I close my eyes and I see those beautiful boys clapping, "c'mon, mommy!" "you did it, mommy!" I don't want to have to inject insulin in my body four times a day and take stupid pills the rest of my life, but even more so I don't want my children to endure it because I didn't show them a healty lifestyle. So, after little Gager was born 17 months ago I became the most determined person I know! I have lost a total of 75 lbs my jogging and eating right. I started with the weight watchers, bought a calculator of ebay and off I went, never did get into the meetings, didn't want to spend the money to be honest, i feel embarassed enough standing on the scale at home! Genetics and habit are a huge culprit to my weight my whole life. My father, brother, and I have always been overweight. My dad was a single father and did what he thought was best for us, I really did love those ding dongs! When I realized I wanted to be healthy on the inside and the only way my kids would learn to eat healthy is by what they see, it all started to make sense. i've done really stupid unhealthy things in the past and it always felt good all the attention i would get when i lost wt, even though it was because i was only eating everyother day. for the very first time in my life, i am healthy. i exercise and i eat good, and amazingly enough i'm losing wt! i dont want my children to endure the teasing i did growing up so i will continue to live my life for those beautiful boys!:flowerforyou:


  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    Good for you!!! I also have a "Gager"! But he is 12 1/2 now!!! You should be so proud of yourself you are doing this for all the right reasons!
  • punkinrn
    punkinrn Posts: 32 Member
    thank you so much, i was nervous about putting so much personal stuff out there, but felt good to say it out loud!
  • You are doing a wonderful Job! I know what you mean. It's a lifestyle change. Your kiddos will see you be active and follow your example. Growing up in my home was just survival. There wasn't any sports or activity. I had to get that as an adult. Congratulations on your current weight loss. You should be so proud of yourself. It takes amazing mental toughness to make those changes. I'm a fan :) Jude