Trying this again...

Hi! Looking for some friends to give me motivation and support. I am the heaviest I have ever been and would love to lose about 30 pounds. I really struggle with self control and I am a definite stress eater! I am almost 40 years old and I do not want to continue struggling with my weight as i have always done. Anyone in the same boat as me? Would love some new MFP friends!


  • mskarzycka
    mskarzycka Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am also nearly 40 and already try lost 12 kg. last year i was do nothing and i am already 3 kg on plus. Year before i losted 28 kg. i came back on track and half hour excercise on the air. My gym has equipment also outside. What are you doing to lost your weight ?
  • jules0498
    jules0498 Posts: 16 Member
    I find that my Fitbit really helps. Keeps me motivated to get my steps and active minutes in. I have a gym membership, but haven't used it in a long time. I need to go back. I'm hoping that j can set a goal for myself to go at least once a week. I also play dodgeball once a week and another night walk with a fried at the track for an hour.
  • CreationsMoody
    CreationsMoody Posts: 7 Member
    I got my fit bit about a month ago and started using it with mfp about the same time. Love them both. I urge you to get back in the gym. Working our regularly and seeing a change is great motivation. And feel free to add me for additional support and encouragement.