Hi! New here and some questions....

First, I've been off and on MFP for a few years. I am 40 now, 5'7" and weigh right at 180. I've hovered between 170-180 since I started MFP. I've never been able to maintain weight loss for very long. I started thinking recently about a workout instructor I had in 2012 who told me (and some friends) who were all on MFP and working out and sticking to just 1200-1300 calories a day that we needed to up our calories to 1500-1600 AT LEAST per day in order to lose. Especially with the rate of exercise we were doing (generally spin and weight training). So I started thinking about that and went back to my diary on MFP and my lowest weights were back in 2012 when I was consistently eating 1600-1800 calories a day, working out and eating a broad array of food. And that made me wonder about other people......so I stumbled here and started reading and started realizing that I've been doing everything wrong.

With that being said and with lots of reading and researching, I'm seeing that I need to 1)buy a food scale and learn to use it, 2) log in more consistently and 3) be sure to eat enough during the day.

And that brings me to my question.....I'm currently going to the gym for about 1.5-2hours 4-5x a week. I burn around 400-600 calories doing cardio/weights/Zumba. My problem is that I'm exhausted. I'm so very tired. Is it too much?

Any advice is appreciated!!



  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    Hey Mauri, I'd like to help you out but I need to ask some more questions, if you would like to go over your fitness plan, please add me and we can chat.