Losing weight

Help! So I've been doing really well with my healthy eating plan, and over the course of around 25 days I lost 8 pounds! I exercise for around half an hour each day and was feeling so pumped and happy with my progress! only in the last 5/6 days or so, I've put back on half the weight I originally lost! :( my doctor started my on the contraceptive pill rigevidon to regulate my periods around 2 weeks ago, and I haven't changed my diet or exercise routine at all - could it be the pill aiding this unwanted weight gain or possibly causing water retention?
side note: putting this weight back on has really knocked my self esteem and kind of threw me off course with my healthy eating and so I'm asking any girls out there if they've experienced this, if so how did you overcome it??


  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    That sounds like me. One week I lose 1kg the next I gain 2kgs. I am now going to be weighting myself each month.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    It is most likely water retention if you are SURE you aren't eating more than you are burning. Hormones (fake or real) can mess with that. Just stick to your diet and eventually the weight should drop like it was before you started the pills. 4 lbs is totally normal as a water weight fluctuation. I am on hormonal birth control and am losing weight perfectly normal, and my weight fluctuates up and down due to water retention.
  • I'm fairly certain I'm eating within and under my calorie goals (as well as my carb and sugar and and fat goals etc.) I have a cheat day every Saturday but I definitely don't pig out - usually I'll have a can of coke and either some chocolate or a bit of popcorn - not a binge by any means, and I always stay within my goals even on cheat days
    Thanks for your advice! I think I might come off the pills as I'm not sure if they are actually changing my moods as I've been way more sad than I usually am and crying an unusual amount - I'll stop the pills and see if I continue losing weight and we'll see how it goes - thankyou!
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    I'm fairly certain I'm eating within and under my calorie goals (as well as my carb and sugar and and fat goals etc.) I have a cheat day every Saturday but I definitely don't pig out - usually I'll have a can of coke and either some chocolate or a bit of popcorn - not a binge by any means, and I always stay within my goals even on cheat days
    Thanks for your advice! I think I might come off the pills as I'm not sure if they are actually changing my moods as I've been way more sad than I usually am and crying an unusual amount - I'll stop the pills and see if I continue losing weight and we'll see how it goes - thankyou!

    I don't think you should just stop a medicine you doc gave you without a visit. You do realism some meds have adjustment phases where the odd effects can pass. Some of my meds took 2 weeks to have some things even out. I'm male so no hormones but you should consult your doc. I do think you are just dealing with water weight which will probably pass pills or not.
  • I wouldn't have stopped the meds of it was serious don't worry - the contraceptive was only really given to me to regulate my periods and there's not chance of pregnancy if I came off them as I'm certainly not getting any haha! but in all seriousness I've been researching the pill and lots of forums and girls have been saying that the pill was making them really depressed, here in the uk there was recently a high profile case of a suicide as a direct result of the pills effects - I honestly think I'm better off with irregular periods than staying on a pill which I have already noticed has been giving me a super crap time. Thanks for the advice though and I do take on board what you're saying about the hormones settling down
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Try cutting carbs.....keeping below 100 grams/day.