TOM and training

sphares Posts: 15 Member
Hi. I did a quick search on this and didn't find anyone in my situation. I'm training for some triathlons this summer and have been doing some 5Ks the last few weekends. It seems a lot of women's TOMs stop while they are training. But not me. I seem to be having them every other week! Ugh!

The problem is that it affects my training. I have one really good week, then it's all I can do to even workout the next week. I can tell TOM is coming because the scale starts going up, then I spend the next week losing it, gain it back the next, etc. I can't run, bike or swim as fast either. I just don't feel like I'm getting ahead at all.

I have a call into my doctor to see what options I may have. I don't really want to do BC (I have no need for it other than regulating TOM), but wondering if it's worth it for the summer, or even using one where I can skip TOM until fall. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks in advance!


  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    I don't have this issue. But I have been on BC for years and it has really helped my TOM. The cramps and bloating are way less and my TOM only lasts 3-4 days. For me it is a good regualtor. Hope you find something that helps!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I feel weak when I have my TOM and this time I thought I would try something different and started taking iron supplements to help with the weakness and so far it's seemed to have helped.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Not exactly your situation, but when my TOM was very heavy and too often, I did BC for awhile to regulate it. My problem ultimately was hypothyroidism. Once that was treated, my TOM became normal. I still have bloating and some weight gain, but I can workout and get through that one week. :happy:

    Definitely talk to your doctor, but I see no harm in doing BC to get you through til the triathlons.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Mine have got more frequent since I started running, my cycle has gone from 28 to 24 days, which is very irritating! I am definitely a lot slower just before and during.
  • sphares
    sphares Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone! I may try an iron supplement to see if that helps some. I used to have horrible TOMs but was on BC for years and now I really don't have symptoms except what I stated previously.

    I already take thyroid meds for hypothyroidism and that's pretty much regulated at this point. Last year when I was having 14-17 days cycles (which I'm now realizing was probably due to training) my doctor put me on a progesterone supplement. I don't really think it helped though.

    Will definitely talk to my doctor this week, but wanted to see what options I might have.