Around cal' goal, but estimated to gain weight?

indigolafaye Posts: 17
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi I'm new to here, and I have been recording what I eat for the past dew days. So far I'm coming in just under or just over my cal' goal, but the 'if this is what you eat everyday for 5 weeks' thing always say's ill gain weight. Do all my figures (i.e fat, sugar, carbs etc) have to be in the green too?


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    What's your deficit?
  • less than 100 cals
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    dont take any notice. It never works exactly how they predict
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Did you set up your goals correctly? Maybe you are set at maintanence instead of loss. This would account for a gain if you go over cals.

    Double check under: My Home, Goals. Should be set to lose 1 lb a week or whatever your loss goal is.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    If your deficit is only 100 cals, are you very thin already? If you are underweight, then eating "normal" amounts will make you gain weight. But then you shouldn't be aiming to lose.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    If you are smaller than the 1200 calories allotted for than this may be the may require a more specialized calorie estimation..I'm not really sure of how it works for someone under 4'. or does it go by height and weight or just weight alone for calorie needs? .maybe someone will know....
  • Sorry I got the deficit wrong... I've checked the goal thing and it says the following..

    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day
    Carbs / Day 165 g
    Fat / Day 40 g
    Protein / Day 45 g

    Calories Burned / Week 0 calories/week
    Workouts / Week 0 Workouts
    Minutes / Workout 0 mins (I've set that as I'm disabled and find exercise virtually impossible, though I am walking a little with crutches)

    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 990 calories/day
    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/ day
    Daily Calorie Deficit -210 calories
    Projected Weight Loss -0.4 lbs/ week (And if I set it up again it says If you follow this plan...
    Your projected weigh gain is: 0.4 lbs/week
    You should gain 2.1 lbs. by July 23)
  • Thank you Shellshell, I was wondering if it was to do with my height. I am only 3 foot 4.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Looking at your info I'd say you need a nutritionists/dieticians help...everything on here is based on the broad average which you do not come under, you are tiny, and have some problems that would put you in a class of your own.

    1200 calories could well be too much for you but i'm not qualified to say that but 1200 is the lowest that the software on this site will allow. Speak to a professional and see what they recommend then you can manually set your calories according to their advice
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Thank you Shellshell, I was wondering if it was to do with my height. I am only 3 foot 4.

    Yes, I think it has something to with your height. I honestly believe that you'll be able to lose weight for the time-being at 1200 calories a day. Assuming that before you found MFP, you were eating more than 1200 calories a day (which is VERY easily done if you're not counting cals)... You should still have a big enough change in caloric intake to allow for some weight loss. When you stop losing weight, I'd say you should probably seek help from a nutritionist. You'll need a lower calorie goal to continue to lose because of your height and lack of activity.

    Stick with 1200 calories for now and see how it works out for you. I really am willing to bet you'll lose some weight despite MFP's predictions.
  • Thanks. :) If I play with it, and change it manually I seem to need to be around 800 a day to loose anything, but I will check this out with a professional.... 800 seems impossible!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    Thank you Shellshell, I was wondering if it was to do with my height. I am only 3 foot 4.

    Stick with 1200 calories for now and see how it works out for you. I really am willing to bet you'll lose some weight despite MFP's predictions.

    Yes, I agree, you may have been eating more than the 1200 calories and going down to 1200 will be beneficial to you. If you decide to consult a dietitian to get your ideal calorie intake you can still use MFP to keep track of your calories, you would just not pay attention to the message that reads you are losing or gaining weight..use the site for calorie counting and will like it here- everyone is helpful and supportive.
  • I do already! :) It's very useful and I have the app for my iphone, which is good as before I eat something I can see what it really is like!
    Thanks all for your advice.
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