Starting over again in Seattle.....

Just re-activated my account after a 2 year absence taking care of two major health issues (head-on car crash in Feb 2014, and atrial fibrillation diagnosis 9-2016....). Have completed cardiac ablation procedure and now have to regroup after almost 2 years of mostly inactive/sedentary lifestyle and indulging in overeating.

I had lost 100+ pounds between 2011 - 2014...and then lost faith and focus while dealing with these issues.

Now I am back and ready to do the work.

I am working with a naturopathic doctor to come up with an eating plan that is safe and sane; and will be joining a gym and getting a personal trainer to come up with a complete rehab plan.

I am interested in connecting with other users who track exercise using Fitbit (I like the cheers/competitions) and track food using MyFitnessPal.

Best to you on your journey.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I lost over 100lbs but had a set back too. Add me so we can cheer each other on!
  • canuckjz
    canuckjz Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same area. Feel free to add!
  • sparklingspirit
    sparklingspirit Posts: 4 Member
    Not sure how to add anyone. Tried but getting error messages. 🤷‍♀️😬

    please add me if you want to cheer each other on!
  • sparklingspirit
    sparklingspirit Posts: 4 Member
    Figured it out!!!✅
  • wednesday7
    wednesday7 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I had a setback and now, me too, I'm ready to do the work. I sent everyone here a friend request. Let's do this!