Hi, I'm a 24 year old mother of 3..I want my body back :)

I can love the stretch marks on my tummy...and the bigger bust size...but i'm hating the extra 46 lbs i'm packing around. When I started losing weight I was at 191...now down to 172...doing the 30ds...So....i'm hoping to meet some motivators.... :)


  • dcladydi
    dcladydi Posts: 95
    We can motivate each other... I am starting the 30ds dvd tomorrow.... I hope.
  • muddertrucker3
    muddertrucker3 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there, Im 24 and a mom of 3 also. Im starting the 30 day shred on Monday :)
  • Addison2409
    Addison2409 Posts: 104
    I have 2 kids and I am doing the 30 day shred! Add me:)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! You are off to a good start.
  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you! I added you girls..lets keep each other motivated!! I really need to get in shape before my little ones take over....it's getting harder to keep up with them.