Newbie in Texas. Thinking about WLS.

I am a 42 year old wife, mom of 3, a night shift RN in a busy emergency department. I have always been overweight. After a really bad last year with my husband's health and quiting smoking I topped the scales last October at 355 pounds. I cried that day and knew that I had to change everything.
I have officially stopped drinking soda. So long Mt. Dew, I loved you so. I am currently doing my 6 months worth of hoops I have to jump through to have WLS covered by my insurance.
I have to start exercising. I guess the 10000 plus steps I take at work don't count.
Today I am down to 322.
Moving the right direction this way.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. :)
  • Hind1985
    Hind1985 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! That's a great accomplishment 30 pounds??? You GO LADY!
    Keep the good work up! You will get there. helped me a lot with weight loss. Having the great value of an online food log with a vast database for almost anything you find in the supermarket/store is HUGE!

    Keep us updated!
    Best of luck!
  • bellaopera6864
    bellaopera6864 Posts: 6 Member
    I am completely new to mfp and I just read your post. You have motivated me to continue using the app and making friends and continuing towards my goals. Thank you and you're an inspiration!!