Need accountability buddies!!

Who wants to be my accountability buddy on here?! I'm going strong 3 months on my new weight loss plan but i could use some extra motivation and accountability buddies!

I'm down 18 lbs since December 1st! I'd love to have more friends on here! We can keep each other motivated :) feel free to add me!



  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    Also, anyone out there doing macro dieting?
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    Explain please?
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    Hi I would love to have more friends on here too :-) I'll send you a request. Regarding macronutrients a good website is: that has handy calculators on there for working out your percentages
    Good work on your weightloss! I am down about 11lbs since the start of the year and have approximately 15lb's to go. So far I have lost 38lbs on mfp.. the majority I lost over 2 years ago.
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    Flexible Dieting (Or commonly known as If It Fits Your Macros) is the tracking of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) to achieve a body composition goal. It's been the best diet I've ever tried and the first that I have had so much progress with. I was hoping to also find more people doing the flexible dieting on here.
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    Oh yes, been doing it since june... I LOVE it.
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    Yay!!! I'm excited to find others!
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    Isn't it the best? It doesn't even feel like dieting!
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    My diabetic dietician actually suggested it and helped me figure out the best ratio for me. I've been able to come off my insulin! And still enjoy everything just smaller portions
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    :smile: that's so awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    kristib12 wrote: »
    Hi I would love to have more friends on here too :-) I'll send you a request. Regarding macronutrients a good website is: that has handy calculators on there for working out your percentages
    Good work on your weightloss! I am down about 11lbs since the start of the year and have approximately 15lb's to go. So far I have lost 38lbs on mfp.. the majority I lost over 2 years ago.
    Way to go Kristib12 :)
  • latorreallison
    latorreallison Posts: 2 Member
    Getting started. A little overwhelmed. Signed up for the Warrior Dash in September this year and now freaking out.
  • lauralemay84
    lauralemay84 Posts: 17 Member
    Baby steps! You'll get there :) add me, I'll keep you motivated!
  • mcrock1981
    mcrock1981 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Laura (& Kristi, Bekah, Allison, & Jasni)! I haven't been too active on here for awhile, so I'm not too sure how everything works... But I've been super active as far as eating healthy and working out to lose weight. I got a Fitbit and a Nutri Ninja for Christmas and they've literally been changing my life! I've lost about 10lbs. since the beginning of the year- and my goal wasn't even to lose weight. I just wanted to get toned because I haven't been eating right or exercising in quite awhile.

    Anyway, I'm also looking for accountability buddies on here and more FRIENDS!! They wrote that people who share their weight loss and activities lose TWICE as much as those who don't... So I'll be sending friend requests to a few of you... And I think it'd be pretty great if some of us, w/ maybe a few things in common, could form a group to help hold each other accountable... And participate in challenges against each other, both on this app- and maybe even in "real life" run a 5K or sign up for that Warrior Dash that's coming up- if any of us live near each other.

    I live in the Seattle area. I look forward to joining together w/ you guys to really help ACHIEVE our weight loss and health goals! The more the merrier!


  • weightlossissues
    weightlossissues Posts: 28 Member
    I also would love to have more friends on here. I also have a fitbit. Would love to have friends for that also. I have found the fitbit really pushes me. Add me if you would like :)
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all, I sent a few requests. I've lost about 30 pounds since last fall. I'm working on increasing my exercise, adding a strength program and weighing my food. I've got another 50 - 60 to lose yet. Talk soon!
  • KendraMonster
    KendraMonster Posts: 46 Member
    two weeks into MFP about over a month on my weight loss journey and down 16lbs, would love motivational friends as well!
  • mollybethtaylor
    mollybethtaylor Posts: 39 Member

    I'm looking for some new friends to help me stay motivated and on track. I'm not on a weight loss journey but I'm trying to become a healthier and fitter version of myself :)

    I've sent a few requests :)
  • Naturelle1967
    Naturelle1967 Posts: 6 Member
    Getting started. A little overwhelmed. Signed up for the Warrior Dash in September this year and now freaking out.

    Add me as well We for this....
  • Naturelle1967
    Naturelle1967 Posts: 6 Member
    Getting started. A little overwhelmed. Signed up for the Warrior Dash in September this year and now freaking out.

    Add me as well We for this....

    Sorry typos
  • Naturelle1967
    Naturelle1967 Posts: 6 Member
    Getting started. A little overwhelmed. Signed up for the Warrior Dash in September this year and now freaking out.

    Add me as well We for this....

    Sorry typos

    We got this