Hoping for Success

I am new to MFP and have completed my first week tracking calories. I am 27 and border line obese with my current weight, height, and BMI. Diets have never worked for me and for the past few years my weight has slowly crept higher. I have a 4 1/2 yr old son and I want to be healthy and have the energy to play with him. It would also be nice to be small enough for my husband to pick me up into his arms just once. I've read alot of posts and talked to a few people who have used MFP and everyone has been very positive. I hope that I have the same succes as everyone I have talked to, and I'm able to stay motivated to get healthy and lose these pounds :smile:


  • annie3372
    annie3372 Posts: 14
    Im fairly new on MFP too, so welcome. I find that having to track every piece of food I put into my mouth makes me think twice before actually popping it in there. Also the satisfaction I get from logging my exercise to see how many calories I am burning is way better than I could have imagined. I dont consider myself on a diet, I tell people Im taking back control of my health and if I lose weight and look better that way...well thats a bonus.!!!!! My husband has not been able to lift me in years...maybe I will suggest that to him when I lose my weight! Good Luck with your journey.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Welcome aboard, jschm25, and good luck. One of the neat things about this system (for me, anyway) is that it's rather simple, usually only requires minor changes, and isn't really a "diet" in the current sense of the word. It's just learning to live a new, healthier lifestyle.

    BTW, you and your hubby look like a very cute couple! And congrats on losing your first 6 lbs!