Baby weight, back problems and birth control

The last 10lbs never left from the first pregnancy. And then had a second 3 years later. Ever since the first pregnancy, my back hasn't been the same and never lost that last 10lbs just by doing light activities. I could only physically do so many spills on the floor and picking up my giant kids in one day w/out giving up. While preggers, my back took me into the hospital because the pain was that bad. I was scared to use the bathroom being scared I wouldn't be able to get up and left alone w small children

Then after being scared to go through rough pregnancies again, in goes the birthcontrol. Gained all that pregnancy weight PLUS some. Hubby decided to get snipped (I never suggested) and tossed the BC.

Started slow and only did what I could (oh, and I also have asthma). Zumba and Jazzercise because I can go at my pace. Maybe I lost 5 lbs within those few months. Ditched the BC in OCT 2014 then found out I will be in my brother wedding 2 months later and started hot yoga because of the asthma and back. By April, I lost a HUGE chunk and NEVER felt better! Losing more than I did for my wedding makes me swoon :)


  • neenlaspeen
    neenlaspeen Posts: 3 Member
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm an idiot! Don't mind me.

    Good job!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Great job!
  • Chupiite
    Chupiite Posts: 55 Member
    Hmmm, thank you for your post and mentioning birth control, I'm feeling like my pills having a nasty lough At me too, my moods are up and down and cravings hit in worst times, I just do not feel myself with them... Besides it seems those kgs are harder to loose than before..
    Congrats on your progress, well done! :)
  • jessicaaar22
    jessicaaar22 Posts: 41 Member
    Chupiite thankyou for your advice on my post feel free to add me :smile:
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