Looking for friends taking Phentermine



  • Sillygirl50703
    Sillygirl50703 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! I also started a couple days ago. This is my second time being on it. I did start a pretty strict diet on Jan 1st. Today I weighed for my one week progress report and I'm happy to say I'm down 9 pounds! I think the diet combined with the Phentermine, I should have some great results.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    I started taking half of a 37mg pill the day before Thanksgiving, (one in the am early or I will be up scrubbing the kitchen at 3 AM!) I am 27 pounds down (6 weeks) I am very leery about taking anything non natural in my body but this was a godsend to cut the mass cravings that derail me after a week of dieting. I am taking the approach to wean off of it as I am shrinking the stomach and feel full with a normal 300-400 portion meal these days. I now take a half pill every 2-3 days. This is a good tool, regardless of the flack you will get here...

    FEEL FREE TO ADD ME ANYONE..I am a great cheerleader, we can do this!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I start Phentermine next week. Add me! I'm pretty nervous but need to drop 50lbs
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I been taking them to for almost 3 months now it has helped me lose weight...but it does make feel like crap i am always mad all the time.

    Look in to taking 5-htp with them. That will help with mood swings and anxiety.

  • clin71funyika
    clin71funyika Posts: 116 Member
    bnm1979 wrote: »
    Hey y'all! I just started Phentermine on Friday. So far so good. I had lost 60lbs on my own about 2 years ago and gained back 20 with the stress of life and taking care of my dieing mother. A friend told me about Phentermine, I did lots of research and after talking with my doctor he suggested "P". Hoping to loose those 20 plus 30 more.
    Y'all feel free to add me!
    I just started a week ago so far so good. It really has helped with extra food cravings especially at night and I'm really learning how to make healthier food choices.
  • ChelseaFoyle
    ChelseaFoyle Posts: 1 Member
    I've been taking speed, I mean phentermine on and off since I was 18 :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Man, all these people taking phentermine again and again. It's almost like using it doesn't actually teach you anything about how to control your eating habits.
  • slleader
    slleader Posts: 66 Member

    I started taking it Monday. Down 4.4 lbs already. I'm trying to lose around 60 pounds and so far has really helped with my appetite! Please add me if you want to share this journey!!
  • amandapierce0515
    amandapierce0515 Posts: 67 Member
    I used it for one month and saw no difference. I didn't feel any different, no fewer cravings, nothing. So, I discontinued use and started counting calories with MFP instead. Good luck!
  • Wendy77685
    Wendy77685 Posts: 27 Member
    Isn't Phentermine basically government grade speed/meth?

    Yes, well it is pretty similar to an amphetamine, and I believe can even show up on drug tests that way. That is what scares me about it. I have been looking into taking something, but I think I am leaning towards natural supplements. Even if you don't have neg side effects right away with something like this, I have Dr friends who have warned me about doing damage to your adrenals over time. So if you must take it, maybe don't take it for too long and it is not so bad.
  • jessiematt451
    jessiematt451 Posts: 17 Member
    I started taking it today. You'll get a lot of hate from people on these types of forums for taking phentermine. I've been a member of MFP for years. When taking phentermine you can't just take it and expect permanent change. You have to use it as an aid to help you change your lifestyle. I've made dietary changes, workout four/five times a week, and count my calories. I'm using the phentermine as a tool to help aid my weight loss. I'm still going to put in the hard work so I can make this a permanent change in my life. My reason for taking it is my family history of diabetes and heart disease. I've been obese for a while so I know my body has to be taking a toll. I need to lose the weight as quickly as I can to avoid/improve these health concerns.
  • lindacollins78
    lindacollins78 Posts: 44 Member
    Me, too. Started the same day as you.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Man, all these people taking phentermine again and again. It's almost like using it doesn't actually teach you anything about how to control your eating habits.

    @tincanonastring! Do you really think anyone is listening? Heart damage is very permanent! Counting calories, so passé.
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    Phentermine taken for long periods of time will destroy your health and well-being. Read my profile.
  • Phentermine was wonderful to me when I took it in 2003, I ended up losing 75 lbs. Like everyone once you go off of Phentermine you slowly or quickly gain weight back. I am not here to talk about the weight loss or weight gain, I want to tell you what happened to me once I took it on and off for a year. My liver enzymes exploded, I went from high triglicerides to Nash to a small scar on my liver so they now call it "Non-alcoholic liver cirrohis" Thank God it is only a 1x1 inch patch and I have been able to keep it there with meds I have to take twice daily. On top of that I have developed huge amounts of kidney stones. Seriously, I had 8 in one and 6 in the other one and had to have surgery to crush them all. I went from diabetes free to type two diabetes and am now on insulin. My health went downhill fast. Both my gastric doctor and my kidney doctor blame the Phentermine. I was able to keep the weight off for 3 years and then everything went to hell. Please, Please, Please be careful. It has taken me 10 years to get my health back up enough to have weight loss surgery which is what I am having on Feb. 29th. Phentermine nearly took my life it def gave me 10 years of hell that I am hoping to now build back up. As much energy as you are feeling now, Fatique took over my life once it all went to hell and I could barely get out of bed to get my kids to school and then pick them up. It was the most horrible after experience I have had in my life.
  • laura0770
    laura0770 Posts: 161 Member
    Wow, this stuff sounds awful! Why would anyone possibly want to ingest something like this!?!?
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    People take it because it works in the beginning. When the depression, weakness, nutrient imbalances set in, you don't wan't to admit that Phentermine has failed you and you don't want to stop taking it because you are terrified of re-gaining the weight. At first the stimulant in the Phentermine enables to you finally lose weight like a normal person and maintain your weight like a normal person. Those of us who are metabolically challenged must eat far less to lose weight and then maintain our loss than normal people do... A tough lesson to embrace and accept.