In Need of Help

Currently I am 5'3 and 225 lbs. I would like to lose about 75-100lbs within 80 days. I've been having a really hard time being motivated so any advice is helpful.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    This is going to sound harsh, but you really need to set realistic goals. I'm 5'2" and started here at 222lb. I am nearly half way through my loss, and the last 25 lbs have taken over three months. Read some of the threads stickied at the top of the getting started and general weight loss forums, called Most Helpful Posts. Be persistent, be consistent, and be patient. It will take longer than you would like, but you can get to your goal weight.
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    start here:

    If you have 75 to goal, assume 17 weeks at 1.5 pounds per week, 25 weeks at 1 pound per week, and 40 weeks (or so) around a half pound per week. Yes, that's a year and a half. you didn't gain all this weight overnight, so it can't come off overnight. I know this is the last thing you want to hear--That this will take several times your target interval.

    There's any number of ways people approach it.. One of the more common ones is instead of losing x pounds by y date, instead they set milestones, breaking up a hundred pound loss into 8 manageable chunks of 12.5 pounds, for instance. Others push harder and lose at a faster rate, but it becomes more and more difficult to build the same deficit needed to sustain a pound of loss every week as your body gets more efficient when you lose weight.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Unfortunately, that won't be done in 80 days. Maximum safe weight loss is 2 pounds a week, which you can do in that time (22 pounds or so), but then you would need to drop your deficit in order to preserve muscle and fuel your body.
  • CLASSSY1992
    CLASSSY1992 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all this is very helpful!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    classyrtt wrote: »
    Currently I am 5'3 and 225 lbs. I would like to lose about 75-100lbs within 80 days. I've been having a really hard time being motivated so any advice is helpful.

    Not happening. Why the time limit?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    It's hard to stay motivated when you have goals that aren't achievable.

    I hope you read the sexypants link and set yourself up to succeed.
  • katydig
    katydig Posts: 8 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    This is going to sound harsh, but you really need to set realistic goals. I'm 5'2" and started here at 222lb. I am nearly half way through my loss, and the last 25 lbs have taken over three months. Read some of the threads stickied at the top of the getting started and general weight loss forums, called Most Helpful Posts. Be persistent, be consistent, and be patient. It will take longer than you would like, but you can get to your goal weight.

    Wow..way to go! Totally right plan. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    It's hard to stay motivated when you have goals that aren't achievable.

    ^^This. You want to lose 8+ lbs a week. Not gonna happen. And when it doesn't, you'll get discouraged, and throw in the towel.

    Plug in your info to MFP. Start with the "lose 2 lbs a week" goal (you will have to lower that as you get closer to your goal). Consume the calories it tell you to. Let the weight come off as it comes off.

    Time limits are never a good idea when it comes to weight loss, IMO.
  • keenanklk
    keenanklk Posts: 10 Member
    Is there a reason why you want to loose the weight in 80 days? Wedding, family or high school reunion? I figured that would put you down to 145, even if you pushed it and lost 3 pounds a week you would still look good, that would be 33 which would put you well under the 200 mark and then you could start a new goal of 2 pounds a week. I think you could do 3 pounds at the start, your first 5 pounds usually comes off fast because its water weight. Drink lots of water and watch your carbs and get plenty protein.

    If you want a friend to encourage you send me a request and I will do my best
  • CLASSSY1992
    CLASSSY1992 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you it's for a family reunion. Should I set a different goal?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Yes, you should. Please revisit the responses and read the threads they they directed you to.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    classyrtt wrote: »
    Currently I am 5'3 and 225 lbs. I would like to lose about 75-100lbs within 80 days. I've been having a really hard time being motivated so any advice is helpful.

    You'll need to charge up your Flux Capacitor. The only way that's going to happen is with a time machine.