Where to start?

I'm having a problem trying to decide where to start. It all feels overwhelming with counting calories, watching what you eat, deciding what foods are healthy and what are not, when to exercise and how much...my day seems so full already with family and work. Where do you all find the time?


  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    First, just start by logging what you eat every day. Don't make your crazy trying to change everything at once; that's a recipe for failure.
    Just log for a week and see what your numbers look like. :)
  • JScottBldrs
    JScottBldrs Posts: 44 Member
    Immerse your self in this website...Find yourself some good friends with similar interest (I like to run and Bike) to be accountable to.... Log your food so you know where you are at anypoint during the day. Logging also helps to teach you what foods you can eat and ther calorie values. Look at friends with open diarys so you can get an idea of what people are eating.... Exercise, even if its only walking around the block before you know it you ill be walking or running miles just do something..Remember this is a lifestyle change not a race Good luck and get moving. Sending you a friend request
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    I'm having a problem trying to decide where to start. It all feels overwhelming with counting calories, watching what you eat, deciding what foods are healthy and what are not, when to exercise and how much...my day seems so full already with family and work. Where do you all find the time?

    Some are able to make EVERY change at once and be fine, but others (such as myself) took it step by step. I started by logging my food and realizing how much I ate. Then I cut back to where I was eating daily within my calorie goal. Then I decided to stop drinking soda. Then I decided to do Intermittent Fasting (which has worked well for me). If I had just jumped on all of that at once, I probably would have failed. Take your time and ease into things as you are ready so you don't overwhelm yourself.

    Just remember, you NEED a scale for weighing food and you need to weigh and measure everything you eat. Guessing will not work.

    Good luck.
  • I started by regular jog for at least 20minutes a day and I record what I ate everyday so that my calories intake should less than 1200..good luck..set a goal and after that try to accomplish it :)
  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    Feel free to add me:)
  • Lu_wallace06
    Lu_wallace06 Posts: 107 Member
    feel free to add me! you'll get the hang of it, and will become part of your routine :D
  • bellaopera6864
    bellaopera6864 Posts: 6 Member