My weight loss journey

Never in my life have I wanted to be skinny or fit into any particular size jeans. My goal is to be healthy. Diabetes runs in the family so I know that that will impact my life at some point. I am still young enough to make life changing habits that may keep diabetes and other health problems at bay, I just need motivation and accountability to accomplish my health goals. I currently weight 264 lbs, I am 5'8" my target weight is around 170 lbs. This is a life time goal not just a quick fix to get back to my bad habits. I have to chance for the benefit of my existence. Anyone want to help?


  • determinedvictorious
    I have a lot of weight to lose too! Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other. I've just now got back on here. I only used the app for a short time before. I have twin girls who are almost 16m and I've gained even more weight since having them since I don't get out much. :-/