Any Golfers???

Hey there,

So I just joined the site about 1.5 weeks ago and so far so good. I'm curious if anyone else out there are avid golfers? What kind of exercises do you do to get ready for the season? What do you do during the golf season to help keep up your game (other than practice and play)?


"You have to wake up with determination if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction!"


  • CruisinKat
    Hey there,

    So I just joined the site about 1.5 weeks ago and so far so good. I'm curious if anyone else out there are avid golfers? What kind of exercises do you do to get ready for the season? What do you do during the golf season to help keep up your game (other than practice and play)?


    "You have to wake up with determination if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction!"
  • kellbell
    kellbell Posts: 145 Member
    I used to be a PGA Golf Professional. The best advice I can give you is to start stretching. It is important to be flexible and loose...especially after a long winter. Every spring, I would see some bad backs!
    Good luck and have fun. :wink:
  • brunion
    brunion Posts: 60 Member
    all i can say is you got to love the game of golf nothing better than around of golf, wish i could play everyday oh yeah one more thang hit em long and straight:bigsmile:
  • CruisinKat
    haha Thanks :). I've got the stretching thing down pat. I used to be a gymnast so I've always tried to keep my flexibility close to what it once was.

    And I most definitely have the love of the game. I'd golf every single day if I could afford it :) I'm working on the hitting long and hard part though. My short game is definitely my strength...particularly my pitching. But I seem to have started this season off with a pretty mean slice. Oy!

    :) Katrina
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    Well I used to prepare by lifting 12oz beer cans over and over again. Golf is the only sport I have played where I gained weight while playing. The only real exercise was getting in and out of the golf cart. Well that's all over now. I drink water and I always walk the coarse with my bag on my back. Now I burn calories instead of consuming them. Oh and an added benefit I play much better now. It may have been the beer.