


  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I had been asked quite a few times if I was pregnant of course it bothered me but it was by people I barely knew so I shrugged it off. Last August after being off work all summer(I work at a school) a coworker asked me" If I was in the family way" in front of a few other coworkers Having never heard this term used before I said what and she saw the confused expression on my face and then said are you pregnant? I said no I just gained weight all summer. Then she said are you stressed like there had to be a reason so I said no I was just lazy and enjoyed my time off too much and walked away. This conversation took place in front of a few other co workers why she felt the need to be so nosy I don't know but I was pretty embarassed
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Thank you everyone for your support. It's a lot more comforting talking to you than my friends who binge on funnel cakes and McDonalds all day and are still 115 lbs lol
    ARGH! You said funnel cake...damn! im hoping not to have a funnel cake binge tomorrow. We're going on a family outing to the zoo and they make some good ones there lol.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    OMG these stories feel so HORRIBLE. I have one and after I share my story I hope you won't so feel bad about yours..

    This is my second weightloss journey after two kids and full time student I have about 50 lbs to lose now. 8 years ago I lost over 135 lbs. Here is my story

    At my heaviest weight 275 (I hate even admitting this) I remeber going to an amusement park with some friends. My best friend at the time couldn't have weighted more than 105. Now I don't know why I decided at the time to go to a water park, in a suit and with my skinny friend which of course standing next to her made me look that much bigger. We stood in line a REALLY long time for this rapid ride thing. And the line weaved around all these on all these bridges that were over the ride so you could watch people as they went down. Well it was are turn to go down. and RIGHT at the bridges not only did the raft get stuck because I weighed it down. I then fell off and I could not get back on the thing. So I had to scoot down on my butt (very slow) It was one of the most mortifying experiences. I could hear everbody laughing at me.

    These experiences at the time can feel bad. I hope you you are able to feel better.
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    Hugs to you. This has happened to my husband and since then, he doesn't even want to deal with even trying to go on rides. It was humiliating for him too. I wanted to get off the ride with him, but he insisted I stay on with the kids, who at that time had no idea what was going on. When our children were still young we wanted so badly to do things with them, but it was very difficult. They are teenagers now and thankfully they didn't get their parents genes for being overweight and I pray they never do. They go on together and have fun, while mom and dad go to shows or wait for them until they get off. But one day, we will be able to do things together again.
    You have done just a great job. Don't give up and don't let this get you down.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Very touching post. I think more people than you realize can relate to this. And, what support!!!! Kudos to everyone!!
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    {{{Hugs}}} I am so sorry you had to experience embarrassment in front of complete strangers. I have not had this happen to me because of my weight, but because I have to use a wheelchair. Keep your chin up, hon! You have done awesome so far on your journey, and you should be proud of what you've accomplished!
  • Yup. This happened to me. On a date with a guy I really liked. It sucked. But with effort and work pretty soon you wont have to worry about the stupid bar. I know how hard it is. When I began this journey a couple months back I weighed in at 312 with an end weight goal of 186-206. I basically have to loose 1/3 of my entire weight.....and then I won't have to worry about the bar either. :)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    it's not quite the same thing, but i was moved from an exit seat i was assigned to in a smaller plane because the regulations state the person there cannot be using a belt extender, which of course i had to use. and then the stewerdess went around asking others if they wanted to sit there since i couldn't so i had someone to switch seats with.

    That's awful!

    Sometimes I wonder if other people notice and feel bad when these sorts of things happen, or if they're judgmental.

    Or if people even really pay attention at all to things like this.
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    I didn't have that exact thing happen, but I was at a ride at our local county fair a couple of years ago. The bar "barely" clicked in place (I probably weighed 270 at the time), and then since the ride went in a full (360º) vertical circle, I could hardly breath and became very panicked during the ride. I didn't ride anything for the rest of the night, and my family was concerned because I was so quiet.

    I know you were embarrassed...I'm really sorry it happened! But if there is a silver lining, hopefully it helped you realize the gravity of the situation. Being laughed at for a few seconds pales in comparison to the long-term physiological and psychological damage that being overweight and in poor health can do to us!

    I can attest, there is a great support system from MFP and those of us here...we can't make decisions for you, but we can encourage each other and support each other when weakness hits (and it will)! Stay strong and stay faithful to the site and in the long run, you'll see progress!
  • I know the feeling I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago, I was to big to ride. I live in Theme park central in Florida and most of the major parks now have seats outside the ride so you can measure yourself before you get on so you don't have to wait or do the " walk of shame" I can't get in the the seat because my *kitten* is too big. Please know that I am not picking on you, but ladies take that stuff way more serious than men.

    I need a seat belt extender when I fly and yes I admit I taking up more than 1 seat also luckily I fly with my son who is 7 and we usually sit in the last row of the plane and nobody wants to sit there. But I hear stories of people like Kevin Smith who were forced to purchase 2 tickets because of their size. I've been dealing with weight issues my whole life. I've made chairs creak, and even broken a few office chairs in my day because i am over the weight limit.

    The best thing I can tell you it to make a plan and stick to it, its gonna be hard, its gonna require disipline and sacrifice, and yes dare I say it lifestyle changes. But believe me the day you go back to the theme park and that bar goes down and clicks, I guarantee you will be so happy because you made it happen by losing the weight and changing your life.

    Until then don't sweat the small stuff. Plan your work and then work your plan.. Success is a journey not a destination !
  • not only did the raft get stuck because I weighed it down. I then fell off and I could not get back on the thing. So I had to scoot down on my butt (very slow) It was one of the most mortifying experiences. I could hear everbody laughing at me.

    Yep, same thing happened to me :(
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    I know what it's like to feel embarrassed in front of people. Last year I interned at 6 Flags w/ the sea lions and dolphins, and I had to wear a wetsuit. Well not only did that wetsuit show off every bump and roll on my body, but of course all the trainers who I was on stage with are all picture perfect. So I was always self-conscious on stage. But I would just remind myself that I will most likely NEVER see any of these people again, so what do I care what they think as long as I am having a good time. I'm sorry this happened hun, but you are doing great. Just keep right on trucking along (((hugs)))
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I was an overweight child. I can remember going skiing for the first (and only) time with my Girl Scout troop. At one point I fell, which wasn't an issue because all the kids were falling. The only problem is that you are suppossed to push yourself up with your poles using only are arm strength....and being roughly a 160 lb. 9 year old I couldn't do it. To make matters worse the troop leaders who came over to help pull me up were tiny women who I'm sure weighed less than me. I could see them rolling their eyes at eachother over how heavy I was and how long it was taking to get me up. Never skiied again.
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Sorry this happened to you. I remember one time at a carnival, wanting to go on a ride with my kids that I used to ride with my sister years ago when I was a teen. Who knew the rides got smaller with age! HA!! That darn bar that came down over my head and BARELY snapped into place at my waist, about killed me! I could hardly breathe! On top of that, I was on the outside, so I was getting smooshed by my kids up against the side of the ride. o.0 Talk about uncomfortable! That ride could not end fast enough for me. I somehow remember that ride being a lot more fun when I was younger! :-/ Now... if that bar hadn't latched and I'd had to get off... oh yeah... total embarrassment would have hit me. I was much more easily embarrassed years ago than I am now, but I'm still pretty sensitive. My most em-bare-*kitten*-ing moment, however, was not fat related, but when my skirt was tucked up inside of my pantyhose at church one year on Ash (*kitten*, as I remember it) Wednesday. One of the male choir members said, "That girl needs to get some clothes on." I had no idea until it was too late. Oh well... it's a good laugh... but I was rather mortified at the time. (Good thing I had on panties... but they were orange, so he probably thought I was without!). I agree with the others on here... It sounds like you got off the ride without fuss, so most everyone probably had no idea and probably just thought you chickened out (see... not fat-related at all! They probably just thought you were a coward XD ... and yes, use this to motivate you more. My experience motivated me to check my skirt every time I wear that particular one.... though there have been at least 2 more times I didn't (but I did catch it before anyone else did.... I think ;-) By the way, you're 47 pound weight loss is an inspiration for me! You're a beautiful girl just the way you are... but keep going so you feel that way about yourself some day too!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    That's sad. :(

    I don't have an experience based on weight, but when I went to a water park last summer...IN THE SAME DAY, there was this popular ride and a LONG line...Finally it was my turn. I was with my boyfriend. Woooo we went down. I got up started walking and the lifeguard said, "Excuse me! Excuse me!" I looked up and she acted extremely flustered, "'re...You're..." My boyfriend and I exchange a confused look, when he goes, "Omg!!!" and points. My top came off. D: I looked in front of me to at least 100 SMILING! lol

    But...that's not it. I got over it, and me and my boyfriend went to the opposite end of the park, to a play structure. It was made of cement and covered in this shiny stuff (trust me, this park was the definition of ghetto) so it was slick. Apparently, the shiny stuff had begun to wear, and it was a bit rough ...which I found out too late. There was a cut...blood...I asked a lifeguard for a bandaid, and he lead me to the lifeguard house. "Where's the cut?" "ON my butt..." It wasn't a small one either, him and another lifeguard had to make me a cloth bandaid and tape it to my butt. D:

    My boyfriend asked, 'do you want to go home.........?"
    "NO! We paid $30 each and have only been here 2 hours. We're staying!"

    The bandaid, not waterproof, continually came off during rides, walking, etc. I basically spent the next couple hours groping myself in public. haha...o_o

    Oh, and did I mention most every ride swayed and make creaking noises lol? And all the food stands were closed...and half the wave pool was closed? <.<
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