Why am I not losing weight?



  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    a lot of people think your body is going to go into starvation mode if you DON'T eat your exercise calories. which is true if your body doesn't get enough protein and GOOD fats..
    i never eat my exercise anything...not calories, carbs, fat, sugar, or anything.
    i used to eat my exercise calories but i wasn't losing a thing. make sure your getting plenty of raw foods..salad, fresh veggies, fruit, and cut out bad carbs aka- white bread, white pasta, and have whole grain, or multi wheat pasta.
    drink LOTS of water as well and track your water too.. :)
    goodluck. also i would suggest making your diary public.

    When i ws working out very intensely, I was eating 4000 calories, when I stopped working out, i went down to 3000 calories. I lost muscle mass, and my weight stopped going down. I was in starvation mode.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would say you aren't losing because you are eating too much. To maintain at 55kg I had to eat no more than about 1500 cals a day, if that. In fact, that was on top of a lot of exercise. To lose weight you probably need to eat quite a bit less.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would say you aren't losing because you are eating too much. To maintain at 55kg I had to eat no more than about 1500 cals a day, if that. In fact, that was on top of a lot of exercise. To lose weight you probably need to eat quite a bit less.

    OR exercise more.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would say you aren't losing because you are eating too much. To maintain at 55kg I had to eat no more than about 1500 cals a day, if that. In fact, that was on top of a lot of exercise. To lose weight you probably need to eat quite a bit less.

    OR exercise more.

    Or that.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    Hi, no I don't eat out much but I do have to eat the cafeteria food (I'm a teacher). A lot of white rice. I hate it but it's all there is... my days are pretty tiring, I teach most of the day to little kids (lots of singing and dancing) so while they're not exactly workouts I do move around a lot.

    Yeah, there are days I eat too much.. But I eat less during the week to make up for it. Also, I exercise a lot--pretty much every day. SO the days I'm eating up to 1600 calories, most likely they're days I'm burning up to 600 calories at the gym. I'm not kidding myself, there are definitely days (like last sunday) when I just eat too much.

    Before I was on myfitnesspal I wasn't having so many slip-up days...

    Maybe this is why I'm still 55 kilos... perhaps it's just the slip-up days keeping me at this weight... I mean, they're only once a week or every two weeks and I always go under the following day but... does that make a difference?

    Can't you bring your own food? Surely they don't force you to eat the cafeteria food? :/
  • clair3jane
    clair3jane Posts: 45 Member
    One important thing I should have mentioned is that my period has stopped, which is why I got worried about being in starvation mode. Since it stopped about a month or two my calories dropped, it's almost certainly because of that. So this is frustrating! It sill hasn't come back.

    Also no, I guess I don't have the eat the cafeteria food, but in Korea lunch at your job is more than about just the food... it's about the social aspect too and if I didn't eat the food my bosses would think 'oh, she's a dumb foreigner and she can't eat Korean food like everybody else, what a dweeb'. hahaha. Excuses excuses! I wish I could bring my own food, but I'd be stepping on toes if I did. Anyway, it's not all that bad... often there are fresh vegetables and fruit but then sometimes there are things like hot dogs.

    I'm going home to Australia in 10 weeks so there's an end to this problem :D
  • clair3jane
    clair3jane Posts: 45 Member
    Also I just want to thank everyone again, I'm surprised at how many people are commenting.. .thankyou so much!!
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