Anyone have a fitbit? Any good?



  • allieparkia
    allieparkia Posts: 304 Member
    I have a charge HR, got it for Christmas. I love it! Keeps me aware of my activity and helps me control my food. I also love that it connects with MFP.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like the flex and charge hr are the top picks. I'm gunna wait till alta comes out and check reviews because it looks pretty nice. If bad reviews ill go with charge hr I think. Thanks guys and gals. Sounds like they really motivate and are worth it.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I love my it for Christmas, and I haven't gone a single day without wearing it, or making use of it's features. Best gift of the year! Very motivating, especially if you are competitive in nature.....I compete with my own numbers for activity minutes, sleep minutes etc....WORTH the $$$
  • SexyGamerGal
    SexyGamerGal Posts: 75 Member
    edited February 2016
    I recently got a fitbit charge hr. I love looking at my steps it has definitely got me more active and It reminds me to go to bed earlier so I can meet my 8 hr goal since before I was getting 4-6 hours of sleep per night. I considered waiting for the fitbit blaze since it is the charge hr almost but touch screen and more controls such as controlling your music but, I figure if my charge hr works through Christmas I may ask my hubby for an upgrade. I would buy this all over again I honestly love it so much. If you do buy make sure to check your wrist on the side of the box. I know several of us have had to return a small for a large etc because sales people didn't know about sizing.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks. I decided the charge hr because the new alta doesn't have heart rate. Was just going to order online in small. Thanks for the heads up. Probably saved me some headache if it doesn't fit. I'll get one at the store.
  • LCbaby0x
    LCbaby0x Posts: 290 Member
    i absolutely love mine. When you buy it message me so we can do some challenges!
  • yyyy1313
    yyyy1313 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a big fan of fitbit. Like others mentioned, seeing how inactive you are throughout the day really motivates you to get moving. Its fun hitting a goal and then trying to see if you can exceed it. Plus if used with that aria scale you can see progression on fat loss versus muscle loss/gain, and just make adjustments as needed.

    Another sweet feature is, if you like using myfitnesspal to track your food, its completely compatible with fitbit and the data carries over to both websites.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    LCbaby0x will do. yyyy1313 I'm going to check out that scale thanks for mentioning. My issue right now is eating to little calories. I lost weight but the gym I go to checked body mass and was the same so they said I'm burning muscle. Would be handy to have to make adjustments in what I'm eating.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    My husband and I both have a FitBit Charge and love them. Keeps us motivated!
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    edited February 2016
    OK so you're apparently *more* active than you're estimating. A fitbit (or other tracking device that ties to MFP) can help with that too! It will adjust your calories upward, and your macros will scale to match so you can make sure you're getting enough protein etc. :)
  • rattiemomma
    rattiemomma Posts: 41 Member
    For people who have used customer support:

    Have you had any luck with replacements or support with out-of-warranty devices? I have had two Flexes go bad after the warranties ran out. I have questions submitted to customer service, but responses, yet. I hear they have awesome support, but suspect that is only for covered devices.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks kuroshii. Thats what I've been having trouble with. I'm normally a quick fix dieter so doing it properly with exercise and eating healthy without a diet plan or quick fix has thrown me off a bit. Hard to figure out calories I should be at and how to adjust it properly to lose. I want to just eat healthy and not a crash diet that never sticks. Recently told I'm not eating enough and losing muscle not fat because my exercise and really low intake. I think like you said it will be the best thing to get one. At least till I learn how to adjust things. I'm gunna go for it. Get one on tuesday :)
  • ichbineinetomate
    ichbineinetomate Posts: 15 Member
    I just got my Fitbit Charge HR on Friday. This is, probably, one of my most useful purchases to date. I checked the accuracy of the heart rate monitor against another heart rate monitor I have. They were spot on. It also lets me know about my notorious problem child sleep patterns and gives me a good record of when and how I'm sleeping, which is useful to my doctor. I also find the exercise and calorie burning related features to be highly useful, also as will my doctor. If you're looking into Fitbit, I'd recommend the Charge HR.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    I've been comparing for the last hr or so online. I keep coming back to the charge HR. The heart rate was the deciding factor. It's reassuring that you said it was spot on. Thanks :) plus knowing my quality of sleep will be kind of neat too. Hope all is well and everything goes good with your doctor.
  • SydneyGuyy
    SydneyGuyy Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah, I've had the Fitbit Surge for about 6 months now. Personally I love the awareness that it brings to my exercise, movement and health focus overall.

    While the heart rate function (being wrist based and not chest based like my previous Polar monitor) can be a little 'iffy' at times, the Surge and the eco-system as a whole are pretty sound.

    I looked at the Charge HR previously and probably would have bought that over the Surge (slim factor) had I not wanted some additional features (GPS). Unlike friends of mine, I don't like to take my mobile on my runs, but seeing where I've been post run is quite motivating.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    arnottr3 wrote: »
    Thanks kuroshii. Thats what I've been having trouble with. I'm normally a quick fix dieter so doing it properly with exercise and eating healthy without a diet plan or quick fix has thrown me off a bit. Hard to figure out calories I should be at and how to adjust it properly to lose. I want to just eat healthy and not a crash diet that never sticks. Recently told I'm not eating enough and losing muscle not fat because my exercise and really low intake. I think like you said it will be the best thing to get one. At least till I learn how to adjust things. I'm gunna go for it. Get one on tuesday :)

    Definitely some kind of activity tracker tied to MFP will help. With a fitbit brand one, you'll want to log all excercise over in fitbit and only in fitbit and log all food in MFP and only in MFP, and the two will share the summary data. There's a good fitbit group here on the MFP forums with details on how they work together and a slew of discussion topics.

    After a few weeks of having them tied together, you should adjust your MFP activity setting to have a closer-to-real total at the start of the day instead of at the end. :)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    kuroshii wrote: »
    arnottr3 wrote: »
    Thanks kuroshii. Thats what I've been having trouble with. I'm normally a quick fix dieter so doing it properly with exercise and eating healthy without a diet plan or quick fix has thrown me off a bit. Hard to figure out calories I should be at and how to adjust it properly to lose. I want to just eat healthy and not a crash diet that never sticks. Recently told I'm not eating enough and losing muscle not fat because my exercise and really low intake. I think like you said it will be the best thing to get one. At least till I learn how to adjust things. I'm gunna go for it. Get one on tuesday :)

    Definitely some kind of activity tracker tied to MFP will help. With a fitbit brand one, you'll want to log all excercise over in fitbit and only in fitbit and log all food in MFP and only in MFP, and the two will share the summary data. There's a good fitbit group here on the MFP forums with details on how they work together and a slew of discussion topics.

    After a few weeks of having them tied together, you should adjust your MFP activity setting to have a closer-to-real total at the start of the day instead of at the end. :)

    I disagree with the activity level suggestion. Personally, I am miffed when I am most active in the morning, and earn a bunch of calories, only to have them slowly whittled back down when I am more sedentary in the afternoon. I do not have negative calories adjustments enabled. I actually adjusted MFP to an activity level of sedentary specifically so that any calorie adjustments I "earn" STAY earned.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    I disagree with the activity level suggestion. Personally, I am miffed when I am most active in the morning, and earn a bunch of calories, only to have them slowly whittled back down when I am more sedentary in the afternoon. I do not have negative calories adjustments enabled. I actually adjusted MFP to an activity level of sedentary specifically so that any calorie adjustments I "earn" STAY earned.

    Well yeah, YMMV and it's all to your personal preference. Isn't it great that MFP allows us that flexibility to find a configuration that works for each of us? :)

    I keep myself at sedentary as well, but that's mostly because my activity level is so uneven between weekdays vs weekends. I have negative calories enabled and on days I'm on the computer all day I'll often lose calories even with it set so low!
  • emmaemz1985
    emmaemz1985 Posts: 140 Member
    I have Fitbit add me
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    kuroshii wrote: »
    I disagree with the activity level suggestion. Personally, I am miffed when I am most active in the morning, and earn a bunch of calories, only to have them slowly whittled back down when I am more sedentary in the afternoon. I do not have negative calories adjustments enabled. I actually adjusted MFP to an activity level of sedentary specifically so that any calorie adjustments I "earn" STAY earned.

    Well yeah, YMMV and it's all to your personal preference. Isn't it great that MFP allows us that flexibility to find a configuration that works for each of us? :)

    I keep myself at sedentary as well, but that's mostly because my activity level is so uneven between weekdays vs weekends. I have negative calories enabled and on days I'm on the computer all day I'll often lose calories even with it set so low!

    It is absolutely a YMMV situation. Just wanted to bring to light something that I had noticed, and how I fixed it. It's always better to have more information.