
Hi everyone! I'm 22 years old & have two beautiful daughters. I've never been "skinny". My weight before having my first daughter almost 4 years ago was around 145-150lbs. After my second pregnancy I'm now up to 229lbs and I know I need to make a change. One of my biggest issues is eating the wrong foods along with extremely over-eating. I went from drinking soda(mostly coke) everyday to now having one or two a week, which starting today I want to cut out completely. I've tried MFP in the past but I've never been able to stay motivated. I'd love to meet new people with similar goals to motivate each other And finally be able to feel comfortable again and be healthy! Feel free to add me!


  • eemonf
    eemonf Posts: 23 Member
    I definitely think eating is my biggest challenge. I love food and making good food that makes you want to throw portion sizes out the window.
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    I am right there with you. I was a young mom with my first and gained some and just never took it off. After my second which was 6yrs later my highest weight was over 200lbs. I have since lost some but i'm still in the high range and want to lose about 40lbs as my first goal while toning up. I will add u so we can keep each other motivated.
  • joybenyah
    joybenyah Posts: 20 Member
    This is great! I'm currently struggling with weight loss as well. I'm the biggest I've ever been at 214. I've always thought of myself as fit because I go to the gym regularly, but apparently not regular enough. I love cooking (cooking with butter) and that has got to be my problem! Well, my boyfriend and I have changed our gym time to the mornings before work, and off days are Wednesday and Sunday. It has only been a week but I feel a difference in one of my pants already!! Good luck to everyone!!