My Story

Akronite2025 Posts: 33 Member
edited February 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Note: This will be a Long Post

My name is Joseph Jones and I was born on Thursday December 8th, 1983 in Akron Ohio where I also currently reside, and I am a 2003 graduate from Kenmore High School.

I have enjoyed food for all of my life and when I was little I always loved to be in the kitchen when my mom was in there cooking and I would love to help her. I have always been the chubby kid growing up.


(Me around four years old with my granddad)

I think I really started to gain the weight in middle school, I would start eating a lot more to hide my depression from when my mom died when I was 11 back in 1995 just if your wandering my mom died in september of 1995 so I was 11 at the time. this was really hard on me and my sister and pretty much the whole family considering my mom was only 39 when she died and she died in her sleep from a heart attack. So I was eating for emotional reason and I don't remember all my weight totals from when I was a kid. Then my family had another tragedy in 1998 when my grandmother (my dad's mom) passed away from I am not sure at the age of 69 and at this point I was already in the eighth grade in middle school and about to enter high school in 1999 i felt my depression kept growing because I started to think about my mom a lot more and my grandmother. I would like to say sadly in 1999 when I started my freshman year of high school at the age of 16 I picked up a habit I thought I never would and that was smoking cigarettes. I feel high school was not as easy as everyone says it is kids are really cruel and what made school harder for me is that when I was in the fourth grade I started in Special Education classes and once I got to middle school I would split between special education and mainstream classes and I did the same in high school so I would get all of the name calling like " Stupid" or "Retard" and also since I wore glasses I would also get "Four Eyes" which just made school life for me even harder for me I just never told anyone.

I feel I have been in a depression mood my whole entire life because one tragedy one after another just keeps on happening. The next tragedy that happened in my life was that my Aunt Paula one of my mom's sisters died in 2007 just about a week and a half before thanksgiving from problems that I don't remember but the worse news came eight months later when my dad died from a stroke in july 2008 and I was only 24 when my dad died but at that process I was trying to move out on my own which lasted only a year and a half and then I was moved into a group home for two years moved out of the group home in 2011 and then I went to a foster care like house in 2012 and was there for a year and a half and while I was living there another family tragedy had happened my cousin chris who was a tanker driver for gasoline was in a horrific highway accident where his tanker and another semi clipped each other and my cousin chris's tanker flipped over and exploded and he died immediately and this was horrible but that is not the end of it it also just happened to be the early morning of christmas eve 2013. I then moved from the foster like home into an Independent person group home for a few months in 2014 and then I finally decided I have had enough of the group home scene in my life and I wanted to move out and live on my own and this happened officially last year in 2015 and I have been in my current apartment since july 2015.

I still to this day eat a lot of food and quantities because I feel I am hiding all of my true feelings for everything that has gone on in my life and I do not want to be that person anymore but basically I could drink about a twelve pack of pop in a single day and you could pretty much not keep food away from me I would always be hungry. Sometimes if I was out with family I would eat and finish my plate and then I would eat what was left of someone else's plate if I wanted it so I was always hungry even if my body was trying to tell me it was full I would still eat and I do not eat anything in moderation as well, basically an example would to be is to keep me away from golden corral because I would eat six to seven plates of food and drink around eight to ten pops and just if your wandering the only pop i really drink is mountain dew.

The other reason I want to start this journey is because I am tired of being so big I am right now at the moment about two hundred something pounds overweight and I am just sick and tired of looking at myself in the mirror and being disgusted when I look at myself and I am also tired of wearing 4x shirts and larger they sometimes give me low self esteem in which I already had because of how disgusted in the way I look and I am also tired of wearing a size 48 pants that is just to big in my opinion.

I guess I should probably quit rambling on and I would like to thank everyone who truly read this whole post and I am also apologizing for making it so long but I just had to get all of this off my chest.

Please feel free to add me as a friend or ask me questions if you have any comments or concerns or just want motivation and also please feel free to add me on my social medias.




Follow My Weight Loss Journey at

Fit For Akron Living


  • Akronite2025
    Akronite2025 Posts: 33 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sorry it was so long
  • schughes48
    schughes48 Posts: 112 Member
    I will add you, and welcome.
  • cquattro23
    cquattro23 Posts: 2 Member
    I too am new here. I can see that you are in pain and I really hope that you have the support you need to get you through. Getting it off your chest is a really good start, so don't worry about how long your post was. It 's good for you to get it out there. You are in good company here as we are all on a journey!