
Annadel Posts: 146 Member
my husband got back from Europe and brought all these goodies which I binged on:( I was enjoying them too so shouldn't be guilty. Hopefully I will make it up tomorrow. I worked so hard this week while he was out and all to just binge on chocolates and cookies!!


  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    Dont be too hard on yourself ... We all slip and fall. Just jump back on tomorrow and You can do this :)
    Rather than aiming for being perfect, just aim to be little bit better today than you were yesterday.

    :) Good Luck :)
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    Tomorrow's a new day ;)
  • pattycake118
    pattycake118 Posts: 44 Member
    I just went through a LOT of chocolate today, and after a 1.5 lb weight loss no less! I take these days as a lesson (though sometimes it needs to be taught several times...) - it felt good to have a little, but having a lot did not feel nice.

    It's too late to get to the gym, since I'm beginning to nod off, but tomorrow is a fresh day. We can take this lesson and apply it tomorrow by getting on track at the gym and with what we put into our bodies.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    At least you binged on the GOOD stuff:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • melbikes
    melbikes Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel. I work my butt off, and then when I don't get the results I want, I give up and binge.