Getting back on MFP

I was on here a couple of years ago and doing great with working out. Now I am back. I have gained an inch in my waist and gained 5% body fat. I am looking for support on here with nutrition and staying motivated. With a family it is hard to find time for everyone then find time for myself at the end of the day. Usually I am too tired and just want to sleep after a long day as many of you can relate, I'm sure. Without going into too much detail I am in my late 20's, male and weigh about 160 lbs. This may not seem like a lot of weight, but my problem is body fat. For the first time in my life my cholesterol is high and my poor diet is not helping. My biggest challenge will be portion size and eating healthy.


  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    Hix, I've been there man. High cholesterol, failing liver, pre diabetic. With the right help you can beat darn near anything. Why don't you add me and we can talk about your plan.