Not eating enough

I have read where if U don't eat enough U won't lose. Many years ago I lost 100 lbs in 1 year & hardly ever ate over 600-900 calories a day. Now they have me eating 1310 a day (I seldom eat quite that much) I am losing like a snail & some weeks none at all. I eat good food as I follow South Beach diet. It is set to lose 1 lb a week. I would like to lose 2 lbs a week. I stay under calories & carbs but seldom under on protein. I don't know how to change the goals for 2 lbs a week. I already seldom eat over 1200 a day. It gets frustrating to say NO to things I like & not lose.
A good part of the weight I have lost was done the first couple of months of my dieting NOT following South Beach or being here but just cutting calories.


  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe try zig zagging calories as it's supposed to improve metabolism but keep the same net calories per week.
  • highdosage267
    People say that losing weight slowly helps people keep the weight off. So maybe a slow process is better in the long run. I only say this because I use to always want a quick fix, and here I am at 267 lbs still trying to lose weight, and in the end I realized it is all a slow processes =)
  • lidageorge
    lidageorge Posts: 16 Member
    Is the weight you are losing now in addition to the 100 pounds, or did the weight come back?
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    MFP will not allow a guided goal under 1200, as it is the minimum amount recommended by health experts for the average woman to receive adequate nutrition. If you are much shorter than average and have a lot to lose, you MAY do ok with a slightly lower intake (but no less than 1000). And it can be quite difficult to get the necessary vitamins and minerals on less than 1200 a day, unless you have a dietician planning your meals for you. However, for most women who are much smaller than average, it can be difficult to lose as quickly as someone who is larger and has more leeway with their deficit. Generally, slower is better.

    Might help to read this to understand why too large of a deficit is risky:
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    In my opinion. Its not just about the calorie totals BUT the quality of the food. Over the years of dieting I have figured out that if I eat poor quality food despite being under my calorie intake I just don't lose weight. However if I eat good quality food - lots of veg lean cuts of meat ect I lose weight.

    I believe that my body looks for certain nutrients and as long as it is getting them - I lose weight. If I don't get them I don't lose weight.

    So I would take a good multi vit pill. Drink loads of water and really try and get some good quality food in. (which I sure you are!) I like you try and go over my protein as it really helps me lose weight, but I am still eating carbs too.

    Hope you find out what works for you.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its a myth
  • Bamagal36
    Bamagal36 Posts: 33
    I am about 5' 5" and 43 lbs over weight. Right now I weigh 207 .. my Doctor wants me to lose to 164.
    I regained the 100 lbs & lost about 70 & 50 more but regained them. I am now 74 years old with sever back problems. I need to get it off & keep it off. I can't do a lot of exercising cause of my back & legs. I am afraid of gaining them back. I live in a senior apt. building with 100 people. I think if I start gaining back they will give me the what for :angry:
    What is zig zagging calories?
  • Bamagal36
    Bamagal36 Posts: 33
    I stay fairly low on carbs too..under 100 a day.I need to start back eating more beans..I sure don't want to go into ketosis (sp). I eat lots of veggies.. lean meat. I did have some turkey sausage today. Today was kinda a off eating day.
    My Dr told me not to take anything with Vitamin B6 in it due to a problem I have. I don't know what vitamin to take. I take B12 shots. I need to start back eating more beans.

    Xraychick.. whats a myth? not eating enough not losing?
    I gotta get to bed as I have to get up in just a few hours.