working out at home? ideas?!

The winter weather is rough and I'm not a gym member. I like to run but its too cold and I'm struggling to keep an exercise routine. What's your favorite (economically friendly) at home workout?


  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    I walk laps around the staircase in my basement. Each lap is 25 steps.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Weights, mat pilates, and running. There are tons of exercise DVDs and youtube videos if you need something more structured. Fitness Bender also has a lot of videos that require little to no equipment:

    Where do you live? Running in the winter should not be an issue if you dress appropriately. I run year around, but the coldest it gets is just below 0F where I am. There's some really helpful information in the Runner's World forums on what people wear and what gear they use in varying winter climates, including Canada and Alaska.
    SIMAKRA Posts: 97 Member
    I am in my third week of kettle bell training and I love it
  • VisofSer
    VisofSer Posts: 130 Member
    If you share my situation where you cannot get a weight set, you can try my solution. I use resistance bands. There are door anchors and various handles as accessories. With these you can do a surprising amount of typical movements. Pull downs, shoulder presses, rows, deadlift variants and more are doable.

    If you are in the UK, my protein offer great value for money:

    To be frugal, do HIT. A set of tabata squats with a broomstick for a barbell and no weight will put you through an ordeal of exercise.