4lbs gain in 1 day - feel RUBBISH!

emmad82 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys, I've been doing MFP for a couple of weeks now, eating around 1500 cals net per day, doing lots of exercise, and have lost 4lbs which I was really happy with. However I went a bit off the rails yesterday at a BBQ - lots of meat, some bread, *whispers* cake, and a couple of ciders...oops. My stomach felt very uncomfortable afterwards and this morning, and for some reason I decided to weight myself this morning - all the 4lbs that I lost had reappeared :(

Just after a bit of advice really, obviously a lot of the weight is water retention, but what should my eating plan be for the rest of the week? I really don't feel like eating anything today, both because I'm still full and because I feel like I should 'balance out' the huge calorie intake from yesterday. Will it help me get back on track if I go down to 1200-1300 calories this week or should I stick to 1500? Any foods that will help to deal with my bloaty belly?

Any advice much appreciated! :)


  • The damage is done, just do what you were doing before. This isn't just about weight on a scale. It is about health. It's not like everything you did before has been totally lost. You have been exercising and eating well for the most part. I wouldn't try to balance it out or anything like that. Just get back on track.

    Drink lots of water and eat well, the bloating will go.

    Hope this helps, and keep up the good work :)
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    I agree. Just pick back up where you left off. Dropping your calories too much after such an increase is hard on your body. Get back into routine today. Yesterday is gone now, and today is what you make of it. I struggle with this a lot. Yesterday was the first Saturday in ages I stayed within my calories.

    One day at a time! You can do it!

    And remember how you feel today. Remember you want to be fit and healthy. Last night when I wanted to eat a bag of chips, I just kept thinking I want to be thin strong and healthy more than I want this chips!
  • Hm - hang on though... If you hadn't lost those 4lbs first you'd've still gone to the BBQ, eaten the same and weigh 4lbs more than your original starting weight - wouldn't you???!

    In other words you're still on track! WELL DONE!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I've had the exact same thing happen to me after a BBQ, but I gained 5lbs. Within 2 days it had gone tho and I was back on track. It's just water and it'll go.. trust me ;)
  • evandmegsmom
    evandmegsmom Posts: 88 Member
    The same thing happened to me this morning, but it was after overeating on Friday and being PERFECT (including walking 6 miles and an Insanity workout) yesterday. The scale is so frustrating. One thing I've learned is not to put too much stock in it, and to just go with how you feel. Obviously, you don't feel great knowing how you ate, but drink a ton of H20 today and I bet if you weigh in tomorrow morning most--if not all--of that "weight" will be gone again. Keep on keeping on. Weight is just a number! If I weighed 250 but fit into a size 8, I wouldn't really care what my weight was, right? :tongue:
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Your BBQ weight is merely water and nothing more. Anything you lost you did not gain in one sitting. But, your body needs to handle and deal with the sodium and calorie intake you threw at it. no worries, hit the water HARD, drink lots of it, add lemon or lime juice to help speed the retained water from your body. You get back on track and it'll disappear in a flash!
  • natmurf
    natmurf Posts: 2
    Oh don't feel so bad....I agree with all of the above..don't lose heart and just carry on as you have been doing.It was just a glip that you can grow and learn from.;-)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    No worries. :-) It's summertime! Enjoy the occasional BBQ..as they said this is life, not a diet. There will be the day here and there that you have a nice big meal and that's totally fine. Just go back to normal today and keep going. You'll do great, and that weight will drop right back off. :-)
  • emmad82
    emmad82 Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone, that's made me feel much better! I'll try to forget about yesterday, get back on track, maybe avoid weighing myself for the next few days and hopefully I'll be pleasantly suprised when I do!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I know exactly how you felt. I also had been watching what I ate closely and killing myself at the gym. One night of Debauchery and I gained 5lbs. I was so mad at myself but I had to pic up the pieces and go forward. Don't fret just get back on track. Good luck.

    FYI it took me about two weeks to lose those "fun" calories so now I think twice. Lolol.
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    I really like the saying mentioned in this thread, "This is life, not a diet." I could pontificate for a while about the need for us who have been blessed with such an abundant food supply to understand how easy it is to overeat but I won't.

    emmad82, you may have actually boosted your weight loss according to many on MFP because now your body certainly will not be worried about starving. In fact, cyclical feasting (A BBQ) is a large part of human history and part of how we eat. So, you have gained the pleasure of enjoying the food yesterday and made excellent memories with friends, tricked your body so that it will not think you are starving, and learned how bad it can feel to overeat thus building a more cautious attitude for the future. I'd say that you are having a NSV instead of a defeat. Even though I know it still feel bad to see the scale go the opposite direction.

    Look steadfastly at the victories, keep your eyes on the goal, and you will overcome any setback. Guess I'm pontificating anyway :bigsmile:
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