Looking for friends/inspiration

I am wanting some friends that I can see updates and keep me motivated. I have been so on again off again for a year straight, I lost 30lbs over a year with lots of yo-yo up and down with weight because my eating habits have never been good. I have 30-40 pounds to loose and am trying to eat clean and do light working out to start.


  • Mibellina
    Mibellina Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey there! Another off and on-er here..i had about 60 total to loose till my ideal weight. I still have 51 to go also light exercise here but will be training to do 3 5ks this summer soon :/
  • melindamaejones
    melindamaejones Posts: 8 Member
    I am trying to join some fun runs for the first time like color me rad to do with my daughter
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    Let's be friends!!!