Feeling discouraged about losing weight

So I've been under my calorie goal and drinking water for 3 days now almost 4 just weighed myself a few mins ago and didn't notice a difference in my weight. Anyone with any tips or anything will be helpful. Thanks.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    More patience.

    It's only been 4 days.

    Also, don't weigh yourself after eating/drinking. I've found the best time (for me) is to weigh first thing in the morning after using the restroom, before eating/drinking.
  • melindamaejones
    melindamaejones Posts: 8 Member
    I am a instant gratification person so I know how you feel not seeing anything in 4 days, I have been challenging myself to not weigh myself every day and trying once a week so I don't get discouraged.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. There's a lot of fluctuation, not only from day to day, but time of day too. You're better off weighing once a week at the same time on the same day. That'll give you a more accurate picture of where you're at. Don't give up because the scale hasn't budged in four days. It takes your body a while to get the message!

    Also, you will see ups and downs on the scale. Don't be discouraged by that, it's normal. If you become concerned, look at the graph MFP can show you for several months. If you can draw a line from the starting weight to the ending weight and it's going down, you're fine.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    The weight hasn't piled on in under a week, so it's unlikely to drop off in under a week.
  • catherinekalberg
    catherinekalberg Posts: 18 Member

    I was so down after loosing 10 pounds then gaining 2 for no reason. This was a really good read. Scales suck. It's more efficient to measure body fat using a tape or caliper. You could also take a body pic weekly. It's completely gratifying seeing weekly even monthly progress. But seriously it's only been 4 days for you. This is a commitment to your health not lipo. Give it a few weeks for you to start seeing results.
  • mankars
    mankars Posts: 115 Member
    Hello mindy2218,

    Do not worry about losing weight... be cheerful.

    Remember one "Golden Rule" of weight-reduction... 'quick fixes' don't work.
    It takes years to put on weight, it sure will take similar time to get it off too.
    I too did the same in past & lost tons (no pun intended) of pounds only to gain them all back.... plus few more. :-)

    Hence, now past almost one month I have been following a consistent approach & have lost a few pounds.

    Here's what I do, see if you want to follow similar to it too... as everyone is different.

    1. I weigh myself first thing every morning, I record my weight, my food & exercise on this site... DAILY, no excuses.
    2. I drink upto a gallon of water a day... mainly about 20-30 mins before I eat meals.
    3. I try to eat protein rich meals & less carbs... no am not following Atkins or Paleo diets.
    4. I eat upto five meals a day with my three main (breakfast, lunch, dinner) meals that contains lot of proteins & healthy foods.
    5. I do not skip breakfast... period.
    6. My breakfast and lunch are 'biggest' & small dinners during weekdays.
    7. On weekends, my dinners are large compared to my lunches.
    8. Have been very slowly reducing my caloric intake since past one month.... lessen not more than 10% calories every 2-4 days.
    9. I give myself a 'cheat meal' (not an entire cheat day) per week... I go all out, but I plan ahead and eat very sensible prior & post to it.
    10. Most important... I enjoy my life and not think too much about my weight reduction program (being cheerful).

    All the best.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just as a note, everyone has their own process. It's perfectly fine to try different things that have worked for others, but it might not work for you. If you try something new, after a couple weeks ask yourself "do i want to do this the rest of my life?" If the answer is no, it's not for you. Remember, this isn't a diet, this is you changing your eating habits. It takes a lot time to establish new habits, but if you want the weight you lose to stay off, you need to focus on what will work long term.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    It's hard to tell without knowing exactly what and how much you've been eating and drinking.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I agree with a lot of what people said. Most importantly, it's only been 4 days, and weight loss isn't linear. You're going to have fluxes due to how much salt you've had, what your hormones are doing to your body, how much water you're retaining, etc.
    Try and only weight once a week at the same time, in the same clothes. Also measure yourself, a much better indicator than the scale.
    All in all, give it a few weeks and see where you're at and don't stress over it. :smiley:
  • smuffette1967
    smuffette1967 Posts: 10 Member
    hi I am writing here because I don't know where to write and talk about anything so I started my weight lost when I got a divorce 14 years I was 285 and I hated life and everything. well then I met this wonderful man and got married we have been together 13 years so much in love and all that well I had lost 96 lbs well then almost 2 years ago something happen and I have gained 40 lbs back trying to get back into it and have asked for help from my friends and family and no one is there for me. lots has happen and now the doctor tells me I have high BP great all over my weight she don't want to start me on any meds so she told me to lose weight and you would think I could I am having trouble getting back in to it. I just wanted to tell some of my story and maybe I would unstressed
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I am impatient, like I have been since.....well practically the day I was born. I am also curious about a lot of things and like to test things to see if they work (I don't fad diet, like Jenny Craig or anything). But if something seems to have a little merit and I can find enough information on it to convince me it won't kill me or ruin anything dramatic, I'l give it a go. So, I stumble across the "3 day military diet".

    So this "diet" claims you can lose 10lbs in 3 days, kick start your metabolism and burn fat. LOLOLOLOLOL, right? So I read a little bit about it on its page. Doesn't seem terrible, you eat normal foods in odd combinations, they allow some room for substituion. BUT DOES IT WORK? So I troll youtube and watch several different videos of people doing it and almost all of them lost some sort of weight, but not 10 lbs. Most of them lost between 2 and 7 lbs. Alright, so I'm in. Because *kitten* it right? It's 3 days, I don't have to buy any special foods or go without, and I can eat ice cream all the *kitten* nights. BET YOUR *kitten* *kitten*. So I go out and get a couple little things that we had run out of and containers to do meal preps in. Well, I made it through and I lost 6.4 lbs. AWESOME!

    but, as on its page it states that you wont keep it off if you go back to just junking it up. It recommends 1300-1500 calorie days for the 4 days youre off the "diet" and even gives some suggestions for breakfast lunch and dinners.

    That was last week and I have to say I did keep all but .7 of that off and I was amazed. Not something I'm gonna do weekly, thinking about doing it bi-weekly though or maybe even once a month, just until I get into the habit of portion control and making better choices. I mean give it a go if you want themilitarydiet.com there are not quick fixes and I don't think this will actually continually work if one was to do it every week, nor do i think its actually that healthy to lose that much in a week. I'm still just starting myself on this path, and I have a lot of weight to lose so I also think that had something to do with my results and is also why I'm not alarmed but such a rapid loss this one time.

    good luck to you though hon.