I want to go from a size 24 to 16 in 5 months...is this possible?



  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    One of my favorite sayings on here is: A year from now, you'll wish you started today!! So even if you can't be the magical size by this trip, what about NEXT year's trip? Maybe by that one it could be a size 12 or less IF you start TODAY!

    So don't get discouraged if you can't reach your magical size. Start now. Work hard. Make good choices. Do strength exercises. Walk and/or get cardio in when you can.

    Can't promise it will be magical, or easy, or anything of the sort. But even 10 lbs down, you'll start to feel better! You can do it!!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited February 2016
    My profile pic I lost 71lbs in 11 months doing tons exercise 100% on plan 1500 calories
    It was hard work dropped from a size 22 to 14 (uk)

    12 high intense Zumba classes a week
    3-4 gym sessions a week
    jogging 3 days a week & walked 2 hours 5 days a week

    Resulting in torn calve muscle couldn't walk for 6 weeks.

    Last year I got really ill so gained 30lbs this time I'm thinking 1lbs a week is more easier to obtain I can't exercise like this not do I want to as it became an addiction
    We all have goals events etc but slow & steady is better yes more frustrating but believe me it's better to do 3-4 exercise sessions a week forever than to do tons to lose quickly and injure yourself
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    Anything is possible I think but don't try too lose too much too fast as in my experience you get stuck on a very stubborn plateau or just start gaining again! Good luck
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    hiyah i lost weight to go on holiday a few years back, best decision i ever made. not looked back since
    no one really can answer that question for you, but if you work hard and dont give up you will lose weight by july
    log as accurate as you can everyday. keep moving and you will make a difference
    good luck
  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi, I started at your weight and I'm 6', I'm also 51 yo. I entered all my info into MFP with loss of 2# week, sedentary (I'm on LOA from work secondary to extreme hip pain, needing hip replacement). I bought a recumbent stationary bike which I ride 5 days a week ( usually 350-400+ miles a month), Plus upper body weight training( dumbbells). I usually don't eat back exercise calories unless I'm starving. I don't have "cheat days". I weight and measure every thing that goes into my mouth. I drink a lot of water daily. I lost no weight the first month, very depressing but kept going. November the weight started dropping. I'm down 42# as of today (approx 5 months) and I was able to put on my size 16 Levi's on today, granted I've got a muffin top going on but I'm wearing them with a sweat shirt. I have found that this is a health journey and really just take it one day at a time, can't set a goal because I would be to depressed/failure. I wish you luck on your journey I think you can get close to your goal, commit yourself!!! You can do it and have a wonderful vacation.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Why the arbitrary vacation deadline AND a specific size? Break that thought into two sentences... 'I want to get in the best shape possible, starting right now, for my vacation in July.' and 'I think I would look and feel really good around a size 16 so my goal is to lose X sizes.' See what I did there? Weight loss is not like the drive thru window where you pull in, order up, and race off to the next thing. No. You need to do your work consistently and allow your body to do its work on its own timeline. It's good to have goals! But don't make them sound like hostage demands.
  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm 5'4 and I re started at 300 lbs last Nov at a size 26/28, by June I was a size 16. I lost a total of about 80 lbs in 7 months. Not going to lie a few months I netted around 800 cals a day an then stalled my weight loss/ gained abit back for the next 5/6 months. I'm now 214 and focusing on over all health vs scale number. It can be done but it won't be fun or even safe. Keep logging, get a good workout plan that mixes cardio and weight training. I'd focus more on life past your trip, over all health and lifetime success.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I re started at 300 lbs last Nov at a size 26/28, by June I was a size 16. I lost a total of about 80 lbs in 7 months. Not going to lie a few months I netted around 800 cals a day an then stalled my weight loss/ gained abit back for the next 5/6 months. I'm now 214 and focusing on over all health vs scale number. It can be done but it won't be fun or even safe. Keep logging, get a good workout plan that mixes cardio and weight training. I'd focus more on life past your trip, over all health and lifetime success.

    OP, please do not do what this post describes in the first half. Taking your calories that low will do more harm than good. Very low calorie diets (VLCDs) can wreak havoc on your body and your lean muscle mass (lean muscle mass includes important things like your heart). It also will likely lead to catastrophic failure.

    The last part of the above post is spot on, however.

    For reference, I was a 24 and am now a 12 (US). It's taken me a long time (three years). I've lost slowly (and I could've done it faster but for a few hiccups), but overall, I'm please with where I am right now. However, I will put a little bit of blame for my extra-wide hips (wide enough to have a thigh gap when I was still 100 lbs overweight). Body type, shape, and height are huge factors when it comes to dropping sizes. You might experience a completely different result than anyone who is replying to you.
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    If you would like this to be a permanent change, I would not try and put any time restraints on yourself. That is too much pressure and you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment. To be most effective, focus on one week at a time. It took me just about one year to lose 75 lbs and go from a size 16 to a (snug) size 8. My average weekly weight loss was about 1 to 2 lbs. Any more than that and I feel like it wouldn't be very sustainable. The key part to understanding that this journey is for life is realizing there is no deadline and you won't be able to go back to your old habits once you reach your goal.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    We have similar starting weights/sizes/height/build. I was also around a 24 when I began. My lowest weight as a fully-grown adult was 190 (at 19 years old) and I am THIN at that weight.

    I think that I hit 16 around 250 pounds. So, that would be 50 pounds or 10 pounds/month. While that is possible, it is likely a little faster than is healthy and probably unsustainable.

    A better goal might be to focus on developing new habits and reaching fitness milestones. Clothing size is not a very concrete thing and it doesn't mean very much.
  • meaganthinksskinny
    I don't think it's possible. If you lose 1% of your weight per week, the recommended maximum (and that's challenging), that's 2-3 lbs. 20 weeks times 3 lbs. = 60 lbs, 298-60=238 lbs. So even with maximum (safe) losses I think you'd still be a ways from size 16. But I'm not 5'10", so I don't know that for sure.

    But do go for the lifestyle change! You will lose size and feel great by July, no matter the clothing label.

    This isn't necessarily true. I'm only 5'6" and at 252 was a 16 because of how I carry my weight. I honestly think you should just use a food scale and log everything here and exercise for an hour 3-5 times a week on top of getting in your 10000 steps daily.
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    For me, no it wouldn’t be possible, but a lot depends on your body shape. I started last July, at 289, 5’9 female size 24 in most clothes. As of this week I’m at 230, that’s a steady 1.8# per week for the last 32 weeks. I’ve been pretty good about 1500cal/day for the majority of the 7 months I’ve been on this road (disregarding Christmas and New Years’ celebrations).

    I have mostly lost weight from “upstairs”, I can now reasonably wear a size 16 swim bra, but I’ve only just this week bought size 22 jeans.

    I DO think it would be possible to lose quite a noticeable amount of weight between now and your vacation, and feel and look better by then. I went on vacation in October, only about 4 months in and I was able to be as active as the rest of my friends were and snorkel and hike and really enjoy my trip. So whether you hit that goal or not, I think you’ll be really glad you started now.
  • TakingBackForever
    TakingBackForever Posts: 564 Member
    I started at 210 at a tight 16 (May 22), in 6 months I went to a size 8.
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    I dont know about time frame, but you could probably go pretty far in 5 months if you stick with it! I'm 22, about 5'9" and 258 currently and wear a 16 at Torrid (not sure if that's equivalent to other stores), it really depends on body composition and if you can build muscle you might not lose as much but you'll get leaner. I do about 1600 cal/day a little higher on weekends and I'm averaging 2 lbs/week, could be more maybe if I was really strict about it. Anyway, good luck!!
  • kaellyn
    kaellyn Posts: 9 Member
    At the same roughly 245-250 lbs, I can vary clothes sizes based entirely on exercise. It's amazing what a difference toning your body can do for your appearance.

    If you're eating at a reasonable deficit, you're going to lose. Include strength training and some cardio, and you'll look great even if you don't hit the exact size you want before your trip.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Why the arbitrary vacation deadline AND a specific size? Break that thought into two sentences... 'I want to get in the best shape possible, starting right now, for my vacation in July.' and 'I think I would look and feel really good around a size 16 so my goal is to lose X sizes.' See what I did there? Weight loss is not like the drive thru window where you pull in, order up, and race off to the next thing. No. You need to do your work consistently and allow your body to do its work on its own timeline. It's good to have goals! But don't make them sound like hostage demands.

    I LOVE this. That's an amazing way to frame goals.
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    I can't figure out if you are serious or trolling. You say you want a healthy lifestyle - but you want to crash diet. They don't work together. If you are serious - eat at your MFP recommended calories, eat healthy, exercise, and enjoy your vacation at whatever size you are.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I started at 210 at a tight 16 (May 22), in 6 months I went to a size 8.

    I am currently around 210 and wear a size 8...at least in jeans/pants. :)

    That is the problem with sizes! It's all about how you are built, where you carry your weight, how much muscle you have, frame size, etc...and it is really impossible to determine when you are going to hit a particular size. Add in variation in fits and brands and it's very much a moving target.

    I understanding wanting to quantify things in this kind of practical way (what size swimsuit should I order?) but it's tough to try to set that as a target.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Maybe not in a healthy way? Eat the right foods, stay in calorie goals, track macros. Exercise. Maybe mix cardio and weight lifting

    I was a 22/24. Currently in 18. Took me longer than 5 months. Might even be a 16... Haven't purchased/tried new clothes on in a while
  • lesliesings
    lesliesings Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, currently weighing in at 298 pounds and I wear a size 24. I have always been a "big" girl, as I am 5' 10" and weighed no less than 175 in high school. However, I packed on the pounds when I had my son 7 years ago, and I have been a yo-yo dieter since. I want to make a change this time for good. I want to make a lifestyle change. I have been counting my calories, and going to the gym, but I'm not really sure if I am doing what I should to maximize my weight loss. We have a beach trip planned for July, so I'm trying to use that as a concrete goal. I would love to be in at least a size 16 by then. What are some exercises or food rules I should be going by in order to lose that kind of weight in 5 months? Is it even possible?
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, currently weighing in at 298 pounds and I wear a size 24. I have always been a "big" girl, as I am 5' 10" and weighed no less than 175 in high school. However, I packed on the pounds when I had my son 7 years ago, and I have been a yo-yo dieter since. I want to make a change this time for good. I want to make a lifestyle change. I have been counting my calories, and going to the gym, but I'm not really sure if I am doing what I should to maximize my weight loss. We have a beach trip planned for July, so I'm trying to use that as a concrete goal. I would love to be in at least a size 16 by then. What are some exercises or food rules I should be going by in order to lose that kind of weight in 5 months? Is it even possible?
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, currently weighing in at 298 pounds and I wear a size 24. I have always been a "big" girl, as I am 5' 10" and weighed no less than 175 in high school. However, I packed on the pounds when I had my son 7 years ago, and I have been a yo-yo dieter since. I want to make a change this time for good. I want to make a lifestyle change. I have been counting my calories, and going to the gym, but I'm not really sure if I am doing what I should to maximize my weight loss. We have a beach trip planned for July, so I'm trying to use that as a concrete goal. I would love to be in at least a size 16 by then. What are some exercises or food rules I should be going by in order to lose that kind of weight in 5 months? Is it even possible?
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, currently weighing in at 298 pounds and I wear a size 24. I have always been a "big" girl, as I am 5' 10" and weighed no less than 175 in high school. However, I packed on the pounds when I had my son 7 years ago, and I have been a yo-yo dieter since. I want to make a change this time for good. I want to make a lifestyle change. I have been counting my calories, and going to the gym, but I'm not really sure if I am doing what I should to maximize my weight loss. We have a beach trip planned for July, so I'm trying to use that as a concrete goal. I would love to be in at least a size 16 by then. What are some exercises or food rules I should be going by in order to lose that kind of weight in 5 months? Is it even possible?
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, currently weighing in at 298 pounds and I wear a size 24. I have always been a "big" girl, as I am 5' 10" and weighed no less than 175 in high school. However, I packed on the pounds when I had my son 7 years ago, and I have been a yo-yo dieter since. I want to make a change this time for good. I want to make a lifestyle change. I have been counting my calories, and going to the gym, but I'm not really sure if I am doing what I should to maximize my weight loss. We have a beach trip planned for July, so I'm trying to use that as a concrete goal. I would love to be in at least a size 16 by then. What are some exercises or food rules I should be going by in order to lose that kind of weight in 5 months? Is it even possible?