Pretty please help! Workout advice

Hello all! I've been consistently using my elliptical at least 15 minutes a day on level 4.. Since December 29. I also watch my diet, and do pretty well, but am over on calories sometimes. I have twin 17 month olds at home.. So I can't go to the gym. I have five pound weights.. I really need advice on specific workouts I can do at home. I have no clue where to start. I need to lose fat all over, and want to shrink the thighs, butt, and arms.. Also since I have twins my ab muscles are severely separated, and my doctor said no crunches. Stats: I'm 30, 5'3, around 135. Thanks in advance, and please be very specific when answering! Thank you thank you!!!!


  • kittiemeoww
    kittiemeoww Posts: 40 Member
    I have to add that I haven't lost much weight, and it's so depressing. I want to get in a lot better shape by the end of March.. Is that possible? :(
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    When did you have your twins?
    Take it easy you have twice the lack of sleep of any singleton mom and I know I'm sure you're feeling squishy (I've had 3 kids), but take your time. The end of March is soon and you need to look at your goal in a long term sustainable way. It took me months of working out 4-5 days a week with all that the gym has to offer. All while eating at a very very slight deficit (because of breastfeeding) to get my body to look how I wanted it to look. I had very little weight to lose but was so so weak. It takes a while to get in shape, low calorie diets work in the short term, but not worth it, if you want to have sustainable weight loss.
  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    Anything is possible it's just a matter of priority, and I don't mean that in a negative way. Obviously with having two babies at home it's gonna be hard to be 100 percent dedicated to getting fit (for good reason). Losing weight is calorie in vs calorie out, I personally had much more success losing with cardio than with strength training, but everyone is different. Just google dumbbell exercises to find exercises you can try out, not knowing your strength makes giving you a specific exercise difficult with only having a single weight. I personally would up your cardio a little if you can but remember getting fit and losing weight is 70 percent nutrition, that's where the priority needs to be.
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    I think better shape in a little over a month is quite possible. I am a mommy to 4 children, ages 8, 6, 3 and 16 months. I know how you feel I think! It's so tough, but be patient with yourself, too! I believe mixing up your workouts is very important. Same exercise day after day is not always the best option. I suggest some workout DVD's at home, which you may be able to borrow at the library, I love Jillian Michael's DVDS. However there are so many out there. I think at your height and weight you can do at least 7 or 8 lb weights, to increase your results? I am not sure how else to advise you not knowing if you are nursing or not (because your nutritional needs are so different if you are or recently finished, etc.). Regardless, maybe MFP friends can help you if they see your food diary. Also, I have a stomach hernia which needs repair but I have to wait because I do not have time to be in bed for 2 weeks, lol... SO, I can relate to the core issue, too. Aaargh, that's tough! You WILL get there. You've already taken the right steps by being here and asking for help. Sounds like you are doing great, you are amazing for all that you do with multiples that are so young. Hold your head high! Hope this helps! Sending great wishes to you for all the best!
  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    I really need advice on specific workouts I can do at home.
    First, be sure to listen to your body and don't over do it. Those precious babies are relying on you! Where you can, make nutrition a priority -- eat real foods instead of empty calories. Your body will thank you for it.

    There are a ton of body weight workouts you can do with no equipment. YouTube will be your friend here, but check out squats and lunges for sure. You doctor said no crunches (good, because crunches are awful for your back), but check with her/him on front planks, side planks, mountain climbers and pushups -- those are great for strengthening up that core. If you aren't strong enough to do planks or pushups, there are a ton of modifications that you can find on Google. You'll get there eventually. :)

  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    How about lifting 17 month olds and working your way up to eighteen, or even 19 month olds? Lol. You have a free set of naturally increasing weights.

    Seriously tho, there are lots of things you can do at home. Your are already one-up on me since you have an elliptical. Look at some workout videos that use body weight rather than equipment (yoga, some dance/arobic videos... Or look at the daily burn on Hulu/roku.
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    I think adding some muscle work and plyometrics would change your body composition. I like the Kayla itsines bikini body guides which come at a cost but you can find them online for free pretty easily. Any of those DVDs that give you a program to follow like insanity or Jillian Michaels etc would probably be a good addition to your cardio on the elyptical. The other thing that may help is doing HIIT on your elyptical. So instead of doing 15 minutes at a certain level you would be going back and forth between a lower level and a higher level (for example 1 minute at a moderate intensity and then 30-45 seconds as hard as you can go, then repeating that for the entire session). HIIT causes you to burn more calori s even after you are done exercising.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    I have to add that I haven't lost much weight, and it's so depressing. I want to get in a lot better shape by the end of March.. Is that possible? :(

    You're 5'3 and 135. That is a perfectly normal Weight. Why do you need to lose weight?
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm 5'3" with no kids and would love to weight 135lbs. Don't be hard on yourself. You are doing a great job.

    That said, weight is lost by eating less than you burn. You can exercise all you like, but if you eat too much its not going to help you.

    I recommend Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred to get started. It's a nice programme you can do at home in 30 mins. Also, don't underestimate the benefits of going for a walk with the kiddies in a stroller.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Try not eating 4 hours before bed, it has helped me so much!
    And low carb organic foods!
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Try not eating 4 hours before bed, it has helped me so much!
    And low carb organic foods!

    What??? No that's not necessary. That's your preference, nothing else.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I have to add that I haven't lost much weight, and it's so depressing. I want to get in a lot better shape by the end of March.. Is that possible? :(

    You're 5'3 and 135. That is a perfectly normal Weight. Why do you need to lose weight?

    105-140 is a healthy range for 5'3". The fact that she's already in the healthy range doesn't mean there's anything wrong with wanting to be lower within that range.
  • dcorr77
    dcorr77 Posts: 1 Member
    Water water water sleep sleep sleep. I have twins and until they were 3 years old working out was hit or miss but I always tried to do something. Lots of long walks with the double stroller as they got heavier it was even better. Started jump roping that kicked things up a bit. Started to increase weights that kicked it up again. Not necessarily more reps but more weight. 17 months they are probably eating foods you can create healthy meals with too for yourself w a few adjustments. Find gym with trustworthy childcare I started taking the twins there at 3 year olds but some people drop off infants. Being around others at the gym made a difference bc they inadvertently challenged me to push a little more - not crazy beast mode but step it up a bit. And variety. You know what they say about your body getting used to the same workouts.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Try not eating 4 hours before bed, it has helped me so much!
    And low carb organic foods!

  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Try not eating 4 hours before bed, it has helped me so much!
    And low carb organic foods!

  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    As a mum who also often has to fit in a workout when the kids are sleeping I would definitely recommend some of the Beachbody programmes. I personally like turbofire, insanity and insanity max. The Jillian Michaels DVDS are also good.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Why can't you go to the gym?

    The only way to lose weight it to eat less.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    edited February 2016
    Body weight exercise progression. You can work out at home with a proper plan, and do exercises you are able to do and eventually upgrade to harder ones (i.e. Wall push ups to incline push ups to push ups to diamond push ups), etc.

    Check out these links:
    Body Weight Training Guide
    Recommended Routine

    On busy days where you have little time, do a Tabata style work out - 4 minutes of super intense work out, where you do 30 second per exercise and immediately switch to the next. A routine would look like: Squats, Push Ups, Foot Supported L-Sits, Burpies, repeat as many times as possible until 4 minutes runs out.
    Remember, SCALING if your friend! If you can't do something, there is an easier version of it (push ups to include or wall push ups). Similarly, there is a harder version if things are too easy. See the links above.

    These, combined with proper caloric deficit eating, will get you where you want to be.
  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member
    Try cardio DVDs. I like Jillian Michael's kickboxing DVD or youtube has alot of cardio regimes for home. Hope this helps.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    edited February 2016
    tarabole wrote: »
    I think adding some muscle work and plyometrics would change your body composition. I like the Kayla itsines bikini body guides which come at a cost but you can find them online for free pretty easily. Any of those DVDs that give you a program to follow like insanity or Jillian Michaels etc would probably be a good addition to your cardio on the elyptical. The other thing that may help is doing HIIT on your elyptical. So instead of doing 15 minutes at a certain level you would be going back and forth between a lower level and a higher level (for example 1 minute at a moderate intensity and then 30-45 seconds as hard as you can go, then repeating that for the entire session). HIIT causes you to burn more calori s even after you are done exercising.

    I 2nd the HIIT recommendation. If you already have the elliptical and the 15 minutes to use it, HIIT is just a matter of changing how you use it in that 15 minutes that can boost the calories you burn as well as improve your overall conditioning.

    For home exercises, since you've got cardio covered, I can say that "You are Your Own Gym" is a book / app / program that people at almost any level of fitness can benefit from. It's got programs for beginners all the way up to experienced athletes, which means that there's lots of room to grow within just the one program. The other benefit is that all you need are regular household items like doors, countertops, chairs, and floorspace.
  • leslieember
    leslieember Posts: 3 Member
    Cut all liquid calories. And all added sugar. This will be hard, but weightloss is 80/20. 80% food 20% exercise.

    Do home workout from YouTube called HITT Workouts.

    You'll see results soon enough!
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Cut all liquid calories. And all added sugar. This will be hard, but weightloss is 80/20. 80% food 20% exercise.

    Do home workout from YouTube called HITT Workouts.

    You'll see results soon enough!

    Hard, yes, and unnecessary.

    OP, stick with your logging. Be consistent and weigh everything. As long as you stay within your calorie goal you'll lose weight (assuming the calorie goal is properly set).
    I'd also recommend getting enough protein if you're going to be active (especially with resistance/strength training) and enough fat for your skin, hormones, brain and hair.

    As for exercise, You Are Your Own Gym is really good if you can't join a gym and don't have any free weights.

    Also, check out the steps laid out in this thread:

    Lastly, your twins are adorable. You've been greatly blessed.
  • kittiemeoww
    kittiemeoww Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you all so much for the help and advice! I'll try to address your comments/questions.. Well, I had my twins in August of 2014. I did nurse them, actually until recently. I had been trying to wean them gradually.. I didn't even try to start workouts and dieting until the last couple of months, when the babies didn't need me for nutrition. (They drank formula too.. I didn't produce a lot of milk- but stuck to it!) I know the number 135 is adequate for my height of 5'3... And I certainly fee guilty complaining about it when I know some have a longer journey then my own. I'm sorry if I upset anyone. I've normally been pretty fit, not super lean, but a flat stomach and my thighs have always touched! I weighed 115-120 when I felt healthiest and happiest. I was 127 when I got pregnant, but had gained weight.. I did have some leg muscle, so I looked pretty good I guess. I should add that I got all the way up to 152 (this was before pregnancy), due to being on the road with my truck driver hubby. Well, I made bad choices! So I did Atkins and worked out, lost weight quickly but felt terrible. I'll never do that again! I did everything I could to stay active while pregnant, and got up to 179- 52 pounds gained. That was with long walks, water aerobics, a really great diet..(mostly!) So now my 135 FEELS like 179 cause I still look pregnant- my abdominal muscles are 6 fingers separated.. I have excess skin, you can literally see my intestines moving!....everything is just making it hard for me to fee good about myself. So, I need help with what to do! Nutritional help too, and I'm really good at listening! I would do it all over again! My boys are perfect, and I'm so in love! But I now have this body that I hate...... I can't go to the gym cause I have twin babies and my husband travels for work. I used to go! I just bought some resistance bands too.. Ill buy and eat anything (mostly..) to get in the best shape I can. I'm very determined, and HOPEFUL. But nobody can do this but me! Thanks for the help!!! If anyone wants to add me as a friend, that'd be awesome too! Oh and yes, I do try to work out with my "baby weights" lol. But they have a mind of their own! They wiggle and squirm! I tried doing aerobics with them today, and they weren't into it. Hope it gets easier!
  • kittiemeoww
    kittiemeoww Posts: 40 Member
    PS- I'll definitely check out the DVDs, HIIT workouts, and You Are Your Own Gym. I'll go through this thread and write all of the recommendations down. I appreciate all of your time..
  • kittiemeoww
    kittiemeoww Posts: 40 Member
    And thank you to all those who complimented my babies! That's one of my favorite things to hear!;)
  • ironhajee
    ironhajee Posts: 384 Member
    PS- I'll definitely check out the DVDs, HIIT workouts, and You Are Your Own Gym. I'll go through this thread and write all of the recommendations down. I appreciate all of your time..

    Excellent decision