I am NEW to this so I need lots of help! Was recently called a fat *kitten* and now push has come to shove and determination has set in. I need to loose about 40lbs. Just need some motivation and some new peps to keep me going...


  • Captain_Chao5
    Captain_Chao5 Posts: 46 Member
    Whoever called you that is out of order. If you want to lose weight, do it for yourself..no one else :smile:
    I think motivation comes from within. It's like quitting smoking or drinking...you have to WANT to do it. That was my problem anyway..I just like food! But I have kicked myself up the backside and started on 'the new me'. I've found the MFP app is very helpful to keep my cals, carbs, etc down. I never considered this before and would eat whatever I wanted...in whatever size portion I felt like. Now I'm controlling not only portions, but types of food I eat. I sometimes plan all the meals for the day so I can be sure I'm within my goals. It shocked me just how much fat, sugar, sodium, etc there was in processed food, so I've also started to look for recipes instead of buying jar and packets. Finally I've started swimming and visiting the gym. No idea if what I am doing is the best approach, but I've lost nearly 5kg in 14 days, so I'm more than happy.

    Good luck to you for getting determined and I hope you smash your goals. :wink:
  • joysho69
    joysho69 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Teresa, Good luck with your goal. This app is great. It helps keep me on track and being surrounded by people that keep track of their foods and exercise keeps me motivated. Sending you a request.
  • zakiyyahbey
    zakiyyahbey Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi Theresa. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. But something in you reached out for help, motivation, and support. Feed off of that....It will give you drive. 1st I need you to write that goal down. Then, every morning I want the first thing out of your mouth to be is " I can do this! I will reach my goal!" I believe you can do this. Reading your message touched me, as I have never even commented on MFP before. With that being said. This app is great! It really helps you be accountable for your calorie intake, and food options. It is also very easy to use. I love the scan barcode option. Although I wouldn't recommend adding in your exercise though. It will make you take in more calories. Well, at least that worked for me. Doing it that way I've gone from 183- 169 in about 1 1/2 months. Drink water,drink water, DRINK WATER...MFP is great for keeping track of that too. Also I would recommend Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar...it is fantastic! Has so many health benefits, including weight loss. I add some to water 30 min before I eat. And of course exercise. You can do this. You need to take that 1st step now. I will check in on you, and ask your progress. Also, I will try to keep you encouraged and motivated. Fell free to reach out to me with any questions or if you need any suggestions. You can do this! I believe in You! Hope this is helpful
  • runsonrabbitfood
    runsonrabbitfood Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Theresa!

    There are far too many insensitive jerks out there - sorry you ran into one. I am happy, however, to hear that you are determined to pursue a healthier version of yourself. I find that the journey is never over; that you just evolve with your goals. And you'll be amazed at what you're capable of along the way. All you need is determination (what unmotivated people call "obsession"). And it looks like you've got that already!

    I'd love to cheer you along the way, I'm sure you'll do some amazing things.
  • xROME
    xROME Posts: 4 Member
    What a *kitten*-stain to try and insult someone and tap at their insecurities. I've had the same issue, good luck on your journey! You'll show them!!! :smiley:
  • Thanks...
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    F'em. You be you, Theresa.
  • jembob247
    jembob247 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Theresa,

    Firstly that so rude! I'm sorry you experienced such negativity.
    On the plus side add me as a friend and I'm happy to work together to loose the weight! Can only help having someone else doing the same right?