Jamie Oliver...Thoughts Please



  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    I think he's great. I like his approach to food and his passion to educate others about what is healthy. He appears to be a good dad and husband also. Love his food and accent..lol. Yes he's controversial, but so is anyone trying to elicit change.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I've loved his style of more rustic cooking since I first saw him. I loved the setup and style of the kitchen and his gardens. He's cool, witty, smart. And I recently downloaded one of his iPhone apps... totally loved his quick lesson on three types of chopping with a knife. He promotes local, organic... "clean" foods it seems. Like his accent of course, being an American. And his idea to revolutionaize kids' school lunches is definitely a good one... how he manages to do it and if it actually will work... we'll see :)
  • KevlarKid
    KevlarKid Posts: 5
    Love him, love his mission to get people to eat healthier. Love that he uses real food and ingredients that you can actually find in stores . Own a few of his cookbooks and love the ease of the recipes. My only complaint is that he was never actually naked in the Naked Chef :P hehehe
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    You love his accent!? Hes got a lisp! It's terrible over here he gets ripped for being borderline downs syndrome because of his speech hahaha. Hes almost as bad as super nanny, who is totally 'unasseptabull'.

    For my lunch at secondry school I would buy a Yorkie bar and a packet of McCoys , a slice of pizza from the restaurant and wash it down with a can of Irn Bru. Makes me vom just thinking about it now.
  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    Love him love him love himand he trys so hard in what hes trying to achieve....His 30 min meals are just yummy it does take me longer than any 30 mins tho but its worth it x
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    He is one of the most important people of our generation, not the only one, but definitely one of the most important.
    He has seen a health issue that is effecting such a large group of people and instead of shrugging his shoulders he is having a go at fixing it.
    Yes the shows are sensationalised, but that is for the greater impact and I cant begrudge him that if it makes people stop and think about what they are eating and what they are feeding their families.
    Good for him for having a crack.
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460
    i really like him, i have 3.5yr old daughter who is attending school next year and i am worried about what they will be serving her food wise. I have her eating all veggies apart from onion (but if i grate it she will eat it lol) and I worry that school meals have low nutrional values.

    jamie is trying his hardest to turn this around in the USA and UK, if this is a bad thing then i must be crazy.
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I love him! I actually haven't seen his regular program & only saw first few episodes when he went into the schools here in the US - I no longer have a tv, and never watched much when I did. But I thought it was fantastic - I think that most of our modern societies across the world have pretty horrible diets. There might be exceptions (and I might want to move there, lol) - and many areas are improving with education (funny what it takes to go back to eating the whole foods that our ancestors ate).

    Even before I saw my own recent, drastic health changes, I cringed whenever I saw kids drinking those sugary dye-colored drinks, or fast food. The adults who love them, don't realized how they're setting their kids up for health disaster in the future.

    My recent weight loss has totally changed the near constant knee pain I was having... could hardly walk a few blocks... had the cane nearby 'just in case'.... and the few stairs up to my first floor apt was nearly killing me. Now, I'm walking much, much more, the knee pain is almost totally gone, and the stairs don't scare me anymore!! (not to mention the threat of knee surgery, haha) AND - I actually have energy.

    I really felt his frustration, too. Couldn't believe it when he whipped up the raw chicken, bones, skin & all - and they still wanted to eat it!! Yuk!!

    So for all he's doing (I really need to watch him on the computer when I have the time), he's one of my heroes!!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    i really like him, i have 3.5yr old daughter who is attending school next year and i am worried about what they will be serving her food wise. I have her eating all veggies apart from onion (but if i grate it she will eat it lol) and I worry that school meals have low nutrional values.

    So with the US school system, can your kids not take packed lunches? Do they have to have school meals? In the UK, parents can choose to have either. Mine never had school meals!
  • Faerietales
    At the end of the day Jamie is running a business. His food awareness is a good thing considering the easy availability of fast foods and quick fix meals in the UK and America.
    It makes people aware... that is if they watch his programs!
    From my point of view, while we are currently staying in a country where the society wouldn't know what to do with fast food, I would say that we are sitting with a healthier situation.
    We grew up with taking our lunches to school. It was much healthier and on sport days you packed extra lunch to carry you though.

    Society has changed over the last couple of years... If people need to be re-educated about food and food choices in one generation then that is sad... I know when I have made a bad food choice, so why wouldn't parents realise the same thing?
    I guess TV is societies way of re-educating the populations... Oh well, if it is working then go for it!
    If it is Jamie doing it, or some other person and they attract peoples attention then good. They are doing what needs to be done :-)
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460
    i really like him, i have 3.5yr old daughter who is attending school next year and i am worried about what they will be serving her food wise. I have her eating all veggies apart from onion (but if i grate it she will eat it lol) and I worry that school meals have low nutrional values.

    So with the US school system, can your kids not take packed lunches? Do they have to have school meals? In the UK, parents can choose to have either. Mine never had school meals!


    i am in the UK, i think packed lunch will be the way to go
  • Chilliaddict
    Chilliaddict Posts: 57 Member
    Yeah i like jamie, been to his restaurant in my city a few times they make some top nosh. I love how healthy eating is his passion and fights to make changes. If i had a choice i prefer the british cookery shows he makes and i love his app too i've made quite a few nice dishes from there
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I have big problem with Jamie Oliver. He is a total liar. I watched his show, Naked Chef and y'all he was not naked AT ALL. I mean , come on. I wanted to see a Naked Chef! If I wanted to see a clothed chef I would watch Emeril. Whatever, Jamie Oliver, whatever.

    You do not even want to know how I felt about the Naked Lunch, what a crock. that was. jeeeez
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I have big problem with Jamie Oliver. He is a total liar. I watched his show, Naked Chef and y'all he was not naked AT ALL. I mean , come on. I wanted to see a Naked Chef! If I wanted to see a clothed chef I would watch Emeril. Whatever, Jamie Oliver, whatever.

    You do not even want to know how I felt about the Naked Lunch, what a crock. that was. jeeeez

    I know exactly how you feel.

    I like him, but his stores are incredibly expensive.
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    he boy can cook !!!


    TED is a great web site and this stage show by him is very though provoking
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have big problem with Jamie Oliver. He is a total liar. I watched his show, Naked Chef and y'all he was not naked AT ALL. I mean , come on. I wanted to see a Naked Chef! If I wanted to see a clothed chef I would watch Emeril. Whatever, Jamie Oliver, whatever.

    You do not even want to know how I felt about the Naked Lunch, what a crock. that was. jeeeez

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: