7 days, counting Calories, feeling weak n stressful.. Am I doing it right?



  • Ok.. I'm getting a better understanding of this as I keep your posts... It's helpful... Thanks :smile:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Yes ClosetBayesian.. 2lb/week is my goal.. I'll try to put in an accurate count of cals

    With so little weight to lose, 2 lbs per week is VERY aggressive. It's not a race, and there is no reason to push yourself to the point that you feel weak and stressed out!

    Set your goal to 1 lb per week. Also log your exercise and eat back half those calories. You can probably eat way more than 1200 calories and still lose weight. Don't make it harder than it needs to be!

    Try using a food scale for at least a couple of weeks to make sure your servings are correct. It can be a real eye opener. I intended to only use mine for a couple of weeks, but it was so helpful it is still used almost daily a year and a half later!

    Good luck :drinker:
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    I am 5ft and on 1200 calories a day plus all my exercise calories. On top of that, I only go with weekly net calories so I can bank calories for bigger meals on the weekends or special outings, etc (this helps this "diet" fit easily into my lifestyle). I avg about 1400 -1500 calories a day with my workouts. Still playing around to find the right calorie balance for me.

    Skinnytaste.com has amazing recipes that are incredibly yummy and are low calories. Last night, I made zucchini pancakes. Was a bit dubious....but DH and I raved over it! I was stuffed after 300 calories.

    Being short, I do find I have to be careful to focus primarily on satiating foods. And apparently, that varies a bit by person. So you have to find the foods that satiate you. For me, its soup, chickpeas, eggs, etc. Someone suggested an egg drop soup once and it was a fab snack/lunch that filled me right up for very few cals.

    Also, I did find the first 1-2 weeks was about learning what being hungry really is. Most of the time, I was thirsty or emotional. My favorite hacks when I feel hungry are:
    - drink a full glass of water and wait 20 mins. Am I still hungry? Often, the answer is no.
    - work out. Am I still hungry after the workout? The two times I did this, the answer was no.

    Since I use my weekly net calories (thanks to the helpful suggestions on MFP!), if I'm over my cals and am still hungry after all my hacks, I'll have a snack and cut back a bit the next day. Or add a work out.
  • Update : my body s used to the 1200 cal per day n it's so used to it that it can't take anymore