Plateau - I think my scales must be broke.

I have been losing weight for nearly a year and a half and I am down 135-140 lbs. I am working out vigorously 4 times a week (elliptical, weight circuits, and swimming) and for the last 2-3 months the scale is not moving. From my workouts I know I am getting in better shape, but it is very frustrating to work so hard and not see my weight drop. I really need/want to lose another 60-65 lbs., but at this rate it will take several years. I still weigh around 275 lbs. and try to hold my calorie consumption to approximately 1500-1600 calories a day. It is discouraging to get on the scales and see little or no change. If it take two or three years to hit my target weight, so be it. Never the less it is still very frustrating.


  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far!! You already know you are doing the right thing so keep it up :) I think it might help you if you switch up your workout routine if you've been on the same schedule for a long while since your body catches on to what you are doing, as you said, you can tell you are in better shape. Try doing some interval training or circuit training with your weight workout instead of the same old routine. Good luck with your next 60!

  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    ronselph wrote: »
    I still weigh around 275 lbs. and try to hold my calorie consumption to approximately 1500-1600 calories a day.

    How do you know exactly how many calories are getting? Do you measure all your liquids with measuring cups and use a food scale for everything else?

    How long has it been since you've lost weight exactly?

    1500-1600 seems really low for a guy who weighs 275 lbs. My guess is you are eating more without realizing it. That worked when you weighed more, but is no longer working. I suggest you aim for a more reasonable calorie goal (maybe 1800, maybe 2000) and measure and weigh EVERYTHING you eat. Eat back only 50% of your exercise calories to account for MFP or other devices being inaccurate on calorie burn. Good luck.