Something Most People Don't Seem To Know...

Okay, so this is it.

Does anyone know the order that your body burns things? This is what most people struggling with their weight seem to not know. I used to know this in full scale, but I'm just going to give you a summary.
Your body burns things in this order:

-Your food intake
-Your fat
-Your muscle (as in proteins.)

Guess what this means, people!
You have to burn everything that you have ate for the day in order to begin burning your fat. So if you do a lot of exercise and then "celebrate" by eating a lot, or think "oh, I burn xxx calories today, so I can treat myself" (something along those lines, you get it..) Than you have virtually gotten nowhere. Sure, you'll loose weight by exercising and improving your eating habits, and lifestyle in general, but REAL (as in it stays, and you don't just go back to your weight soon after) effective and fast weight loss is when you burn more calories than you have taken in.

Now I am not telling you that you need to go exercise off every calorie you have burned, because your body naturally burns calories just by sitting still. But the good part about exercising a lot is that your metabolism boots and you burn more calories just by sitting! :D

(When I decided to loose weight for good, this speech clicked into my head. My middle school health teacher took a whole class preaching about it, and it was one speech that I never forgot. Just so you know where I'm getting this all from :D)

Now one more tip! Does anyone here know how little it takes to keep the human body running? 2-3 small meals a day. I usually eat a granola bar or 2 for breakfast, maybe a cup of yogurt or two for lunch, maybe 2 or 3 hard boiled eggs for dinner. The average American eats WAY more than they should, so when you switch to how much you should eat right away, you'll probably be very hungry because your body is used to a much larger intake.
One more thing: Drink lots of water! Loosing water weight is so easy, but you have to keep drinking water for it to stay.

Hope this helps! :)


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member

    Because this website has a built in calorie deficit, it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. The MINIMUM number of calories you should be consuming is 1200 per day.

  • So you think your body will burn ONLY fat until it has all gone? And have you forgotten about glycogen stores (energy in the form of carbs)?

    Your body breaks down glycogen, fat AND protein for use ALL the time. It is the RATIO of the 'fuels' that changes, depending on needs.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Oh my, you eat 500 calories a day ??? Do you eat fruits or veggies? All I see tracked is KFC and granola bars!
  • you're not eating enough can't get by on granola, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs. That is serious starvation mode. You need greens, healthy fats, more carbs. More everything.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think the way our bodies work is slightly more complicated than the original post states.

    I'm going to continue to eat my exercise calories just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue allowing myself a treat just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue eating as many calories as I am just like I have been.

    I've lost almost 60lbs doing it the way I am - so I'm doing something right.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
  • rockthehourglass
    rockthehourglass Posts: 62 Member
    I think the way our bodies work is slightly more complicated than the original post states.

    That's what I was thinking as I read that. It's farrr more complicated in fact!
  • nuimproved
    nuimproved Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Angela,

    While it's true most people do eat more than they need this is often not the only issue. Your description of what you eat in a day scared me a little--seriously a granola bar, some yogurt and a couple of boiled eggs. I took a look at your diary and saw you have set your goal to 500 cals a day. Please consult a nutritionist and/or a doctor. It is extremely difficult for your body to get enough nutrients with that little food intake. If you are concerned with eating lo-cal add some fruit and veggies to your diet--most are low in calories but high in fibre and other nutrients. Good luck on your journey.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Not for nothing, and I don't debunk your opinion entierly but, wow. I bet you believe it. And I bet you will lose a ton of weight. Till you eat normally. Starving yourself makes your pants lose but, its temporary.
    Also, at 1 lb lost, you are in no position to be handing out crap information.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member

    Because this website has a built in calorie deficit, it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. The MINIMUM number of calories you should be consuming is 1200 per day.


    Im sure this applies if you have done a 10 mile run, doesnt really apply to burning off 300 cals a day at the gym :wink:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    What you are doing is a FAD diet...we have all tried them and they DON"T work! That is why this site is so must log your HEALTHY & BALANCED foods in everyday to have it work for you!

    Yes eating very little you will lose weight.....BUT you will never keep it off! and that is are goal on here. You can not live on such a small amount of calories forever....and when you starting eating normal (about 1200 calories) your body is going to keep everything it can..... Just eat HEALTHY veggies & fruit, nuts and whole grains the weight will come off....and you will KEEP IT OFF! that is what we all strive to do. Not lose it in a month and gain double by the end of the year!!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I think the way our bodies work is slightly more complicated than the original post states.

    I'm going to continue to eat my exercise calories just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue allowing myself a treat just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue eating as many calories as I am just like I have been.

    I've lost almost 60lbs doing it the way I am - so I'm doing something right.

    well said. i agree completely. (congrats on the weight loss btw!)
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I think the way our bodies work is slightly more complicated than the original post states.

    I'm going to continue to eat my exercise calories just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue allowing myself a treat just like I have been.
    I'm going to continue eating as many calories as I am just like I have been.

    I've lost almost 60lbs doing it the way I am - so I'm doing something right.
    I agree. Our bodies need a BALANCED amount of fuel to burn during the day depending on what activities are being performed. One reason the low carb diets are questionable is that they force the body to burn fat when glycogen would be a better more efficient option. Sure you can lose weight that way but at what cost, your normal liver function? Gaining it back when you try to re-enter the normal eating world? I'm going to continue to do what I've done and what Chevy88grl has done. If it works and it ain't broke, why fix it?
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    We know this. The calories MFP gives are based on how many you will burn in a day, minus a healthy deficit for weight-loss.

    You're not saying anything wrong or inaccurate, but your post is misleading, and the lack of specific info means that it can very easily be read as instructions for starving oneself.

    Edit: Which it seems like you're doing. Please start eating healthily, and treating your body right.
  • rockthehourglass
    rockthehourglass Posts: 62 Member
    Yes eating very little you will lose weight.....BUT you will never keep it off! and that is are goal on here. You can not live on such a small amount of calories forever....and when you starting eating normal (about 1200 calories) your body is going to keep everything it can..... Just eat HEALTHY veggies & fruit, nuts and whole grains the weight will come off....and you will KEEP IT OFF! that is what we all strive to do. Not lose it in a month and gain double by the end of the year!!

    Not to mention...crash dieting WILL really screw with your metabolism and self esteem. If you start this nonsense at age 18, chances are you will be a hot mess by 38 (says the 38 year old hot mess ;)).
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    and when you stop losing weight, your body is no longer strong and you lose muscle mass...don't forget that MFP tried to help you by giving you a deficit and a certain amount of calories that you should consume (all). good luck with that crazy, unhealthy way of looking at it.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member

    Because this website has a built in calorie deficit, it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. The MINIMUM number of calories you should be consuming is 1200 per day.


    Im sure this applies if you have done a 10 mile run, doesnt really apply to burning off 300 cals a day at the gym :wink:

    I disagree.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member

    Because this website has a built in calorie deficit, it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. The MINIMUM number of calories you should be consuming is 1200 per day.


    Im sure this applies if you have done a 10 mile run, doesnt really apply to burning off 300 cals a day at the gym :wink:

    I disagree.
    I'm dumb, see below
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member

    Because this website has a built in calorie deficit, it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel. The MINIMUM number of calories you should be consuming is 1200 per day.


    Im sure this applies if you have done a 10 mile run, doesnt really apply to burning off 300 cals a day at the gym :wink:

    I disagree.
    I agree with the above disagreement. MFP calculates my calorie goal for a 2 pound loss per week WHICH IS HEALTHY. When I burn additional calories at the gym and I don't eat them back, sure I'll lose pounds faster but I cannot keep that up long term because my body needs to be FUELED REGULARLY to function properly. I believe not eating back the majority of exercise calories are one reason we hit plateaus. Our bodies need time to readjust to the wacky eating habits we are trying out. Stay around your calorie goal and a nice steady loss will occur. This I want to lose it all now thinking is our biggest hurdle to get over.
  • Brownaiey
    Brownaiey Posts: 5
    I dont agree with your methods I am losing weight following the 1200 calorie schedule with 5 days a wk workouts is working wonders for me I have never felt better in my life its like a blast of energy. Everything is just marvelous I am loving some me I never wanted to do diets just have control of what and how much I ate daily. My fitnesspal has helped me tremendously including my friends, family and coworkers, I have learned you need to eat to fuel the body with the right foods so it does have something to burn and the body does not go into starvation mode. You are not giving your body the fuel it needs to survive I feel sorry for your insides. Eat some food Please! :smile:
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