Emotional eating

In 5 days it will be the 5th anniversary of my dad's death. I was a Daddy's girl until the day he died and am also an only child with a difficult mother, so today, Father's Day is a rough day for me

I want to comfort myself with cheese. I looove cheese and have been great with making sure I eat it minimally. I would hate to undo all this with a cheese binge just because I'm feeling blue.

I wanted to share to hold myself accountable.


  • Hopie17
    Hopie17 Posts: 53
    cheese is the best for comfort eating. go ahead and enjoy! it's just 1 day
  • Seasidedebbie
    Seasidedebbie Posts: 85 Member
    I also was a daddy's girl and his lose was devastating. Think of how proud he would be of you and know you can do it.

    I am sorry for your loss.
  • tezarozaboza
    tezarozaboza Posts: 38 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through a difficult time. I know a little how you are feeling as I am also an emotional eater however I seem to eat more when I am happy rather than sad.

    The way I see it is though, if its going to comfort you, one day won't hurt. I'm sure many will disagree and if you can find another way around it then great but I think that sometimes being bad can be good for you (emotionally wise).

    Terri xx
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I've always had a hard time over my mother's birthday, even after all these years, but I've found I feel a whole lot better if, instead of giving in to my sadness and sense of loss, I do something that she would of loved, or that honors her passions, that way she's with me the entire day.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Eat right for the 5 days up until the anniversary. Then treat yourself and your father to a cheese party. Do it up great! Watch your favorite movie of whatever reminds you of your father and just let yourself enjoy.

    One of my favorite things in the world to do is buy several cheeses, some veggies and fruits. Some fancy fresh baked bread, and a bottle of wine. I do this maybe once every 6 months, because I adore it.

    The point in all this eating right is to learn to eat smart. Part of eating smart is learning your body's limits. As well as learning to actually enjoy the treats from time to time. You cannot completely deny yourself of things. THAT is what causes binges.
  • rainydayboys
    I turn to chocolate when I'm stressed or sad or angry or overwhelmed or anything. I completely get the emotional eating thing. If it were me in the situation you just described, I'd figure out what would be the most gratifying cheese treat and then make/buy it. But only make one portion of it and try to eat it slow. (I inhale my chocolate, I don't even bother buying the good stuff because I don't even taste it anymore, it's gone so fast.)


    Is there something that can distract you - some cheese stand-in that will do, without being cheese?Maybe let yourself have double the normal portion of that to get through the day. Some way to acknowledge and soothe your feelings without going overboard. (Though, I find there never is a good enough stand in when in the eye of the emotional eating storm. I usually find myself eating the substitute and then the original!!)

    BUT if you do find yourself overboard by the end of the day... just remember it's only 1 day. And as long as tomorrow and the next day and the next don't also end with the "It's only one day" excuse, then you'll be fine!
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    I want to send my condolanscences to you and dear sympathy! Eating cheese is comfort go ahead and eat it! It's only 1 day so don't worry exercise 2 mmorrow and get back on track!

  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    You can get low cal cheese like laughing cow wedges that are only 35 calories a wedge and are delicious with bread or crackers or plain! Its just for one day. This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle change and you have to make allowances or you're likely to give up and binge.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Why don't you just try to keep busy that day? It will distract you. Emotional eating is never good. This is an opportunity to break the cycle.

    There is nothing wrong with going over every now and again, though.
  • Bethannny
    Bethannny Posts: 66
    I'm sorry for your loss :( I agree, you deserve to splurge a little bit.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I agree - you have to pick your battles and this is one where I think you can give in to your emotional needs. BUT don't just slink around guiltily eating cheese and feeling bad about it - make a special thing of it and honour your dad's memory.

    I love the idea of doing something that reminds you of him or that you did together whether it's going fishing with your basket of cheese or having it at a restaurant or in the garage where he taught you how to change your oil - pick something/somewhere special and let yourself get lost in your emotions - the good memories and the sadness.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    I agree - you have to pick your battles and this is one where I think you can give in to your emotional needs. BUT don't just slink around guiltily eating cheese and feeling bad about it - make a special thing of it and honour your dad's memory.

    I love the idea of doing something that reminds you of him or that you did together whether it's going fishing with your basket of cheese or having it at a restaurant or in the garage where he taught you how to change your oil - pick something/somewhere special and let yourself get lost in your emotions - the good memories and the sadness.

    You hit the nail on the head. My husband commented on how guilty he thinks I feel for feeling sad. He's right. Being an only child and my mother being so high maintenance, I never allowed myself to feel ok about grieving. I've been too busy taking care of her emotional needs.
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I'm going to relax today, feel what I feel, honour my dad, eat SOME cheese and not feel guilty :happy: