Can't stop crying..

Hey everyone!

I started dieting a week and a half ago. I was probably eating 2500 to 3000 calories a day, and now I'm sticking to 1200. I've had no problem going to the gym. No cravings or problem dealing with the reduction in calories.

But, I can't stop crying - about everything and nothing. I do have depression, but I havn't changed my meds and I was doing fine before.

Is this a side-effect anyone else has noticed, or am I going crazy?



  • Bowsergirl
    Bowsergirl Posts: 89 Member
    You might want to increase your calories a little. I've had some mood swings when I'm not eating enough. I get really short tempered though. So you might have something different going on.
  • Squirrel698
    Squirrel698 Posts: 127 Member
    It sounds like you're under a lot of stress. Dieting is hard on your body and perhaps it's overflowing with emotion. It's best to let it out, perhaps talk to someone you trust, and tomorrow is a new day.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get to a mental health professional.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I agree, if you were eating so many calories before, maybe 1200 is too low to instantly drop down to. I certainly get hangry, this could be something similar. However, if increasing your calories doesn't work, it might be time to visit a doctor.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I would call your doctor's office and talk to someone there. It may be related to your diet change, maybe not. But better to call and ask your questions there than to ask here.

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    When I was on only 1200 calories my doctor asked if I was feeling depressed or cranky so yes I think you need to up your calories. If that doesn't work then see your doctor.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I would increase your calories and make sure you're getting quality vitamins in you. Your body is freaking out that it is starving! I really admire how you've cut your calories so drastically and stuck with it!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I'd cry too if I was only eating 1200 calories.... Your body is probably just letting you know that's too extreme of a drop.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    In general, if I don't eat enough, I can sometimes experience some pretty intense Hangry mood swings that, at very worst, become crying fits of frustration. You may do well to recalculate your goals.

    Scooby's Workshop calorie calculator has yet to steer me in the wrong direction. The numbers given I believe are pretty sensible and easier to work with than drastic cuts in calories.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I see that you are 43 years old female. And you are on depression meds. There is nothing on your profile to help us with answering this question. No personal stats.

    Going from between 2500 to 3000 to 1200 calories in a weeks time? Heck I would cry just going down to 300 or 400 calories as it would mess with me immensely (I am 48). You have more than cut the amount you eat 1300 to 1800 calories a day? That is huge..

    Is the 1200 calories what MFP gave you to eat each day based on your stats? This does not sound right at all.

    I do not like the blanket "see a mental professional" comments either, but you are being seen by a doctor that prescribes your meds and I think you should consult with him/her before making such drastic changes to your diet and being on meds at the same time.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Dieting is hard. You have suddenly decreased food drastically. It takes patience to adjust to a drastic reduction in food. Not surprised that you are crying. When suddenly our comfort food is gone it's like losing a best friend.
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    Call your doctor. Your medication dosage probably needs to be adjusted. Less calories can make some of your meds much stinger than needed...
  • user001964
    user001964 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd also recommend talking to your doctor. Let them know you've been feeling unusually emotional and can't shake it. Also let them know you've changed your diet.

    They'll probably do a blood test and might tell you to exercise since it's good for stress. If you're taking medication, something might need to change there. You could be absorbing thing differently with the change in diet. The doc might also have you talk to a counselor, try to figure out what's getting you down, help you work through that.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I see that you are 43 years old female. And you are on depression meds. There is nothing on your profile to help us with answering this question. No personal stats.

    Going from between 2500 to 3000 to 1200 calories in a weeks time? Heck I would cry just going down to 300 or 400 calories as it would mess with me immensely (I am 48). You have more than cut the amount you eat 1300 to 1800 calories a day? That is huge..

    Is the 1200 calories what MFP gave you to eat each day based on your stats? This does not sound right at all.

    I do not like the blanket "see a mental professional" comments either, but you are being seen by a doctor that prescribes your meds and I think you should consult with him/her before making such drastic changes to your diet and being on meds at the same time.

    ^This. Many meds used for depression have associations with metabolic problems and such a drastic change in your diet just might not be beneficial at the moment. I'm in the camp of 1200 never being beneficial but add in your other factors and definitely not. (Have you looked into WHAT you eat? What you eat has a huge influence on depression for instance if you are eating very low fat... your body needs healthy fats, including natural saturated fats from animals- yup I know you've been told different.) I'm on an anti-psychotic (also used for mood stabililizing) and my efforts to try to lose weight are on hold while I deal with some big trauma in my life, present and past. That doesn't mean I'm pigging out and gaining, just means drastic efforts to lose weight are NOT on the agenda right now.
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    Yikes. I would increase your calories. What are your stats? You prob don't need to jump your calories down that drastically in order to start losing weight. *hugs*
  • AbigailC17
    AbigailC17 Posts: 78 Member
    You cut your calories way too low so fast. It would be best to reduce your calorie intake 100 less per week till you reach 1200 cal. It's best to give your body time to re-adjust to the changes.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    call your doc .

    and eat more.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Pretty much what everyone has said.
    Making the leap from 2500 down to 1200 would certainly make me cry!
    Try starting at 2400, and dropping down by 100 calories a week until you're at your target weight loss. Sudden changes in nutrition can have an affect on moods.
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    If you can't get ahold of your doctor and the crying or depression switches over to suicide ideation either go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. Some meds can overwhelm your system when you are dieting and you might need to be watched in a safe place for the night.