Growing older and getting heavier...

Hello to all...I am a Senior Citizen and for the last 15 weight continues to increase...I need to do something about it but I feel so undisciplined...I find this app helpful...but I am very new.


  • nrsjac
    nrsjac Posts: 24 Member
    also senior and over so friend me if you like
  • mheenan230
    mheenan230 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for reaching out... we to this site...I am not sure I know how to friend but consider yourself friended by me
  • trishtlc0325
    trishtlc0325 Posts: 2 Member
    Lol I also don't know how to friend. I'm not on FB so don't know if this is connected. Senior here and would like to be buddies if possible.
  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    To friend someone, click on their name that appears in the left hand column of this page. A box will pop up with some options, click on their name again in the new box. This will take you to their page, and you'll see a green box that says "Add as friend". Click on that.

    Depending on how you set up your settings, you may receive an email telling you that someone has requested friendship, follow the prompts to accept the friendship.