everyone said it comes off easy in the beginning!!!! HELLO?

Help. I'm getting so fustrated, ive been logging and consistenting busting my butt going on my 16th days and i've only lost close to 4lbs. I was told that in the beginning, its comes off easy and fast. Why am I not getting these results???

tired and hungry.


  • bbreault
    Help. I'm getting so fustrated, ive been logging and consistenting busting my butt going on my 16th days and i've only lost close to 4lbs. I was told that in the beginning, its comes off easy and fast. Why am I not getting these results???

    tired and hungry.
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
    Hmmm, I'm not sure it should come off any easier in the beginning if you are targeting fat. A lot of people lose water at first, and the numbers look good, but then they plateau. If you are eating your calories, and drinking lots of water, stick with it. It will pay off.:drinker:
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    4lbs in 16 days is pretty much 2lbs a week! I know its not fun that it takes a while....but thats the healthy way to go! Just keep at it!
  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    You will get there...you didn't put it on over night...its not coming off that way either! You can do it!!! 4 lbs in 16 days is not that bad...that is acually good...that is just about the 2 lbs a week that MFP recommends you lose! So stick with it your doing great!
  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    Are you exercising a lot? It could be muscle gain?
  • amyalwaysonline6
    It's been over 3 months for me, and I've only lost 7lbs. If you weigh more, you lose weight faster to start out with, if you don't weigh as much, you wont lose as quickly. I tried switching up my food and exercise this week, hopefully that helps for me.