Progression Pics of my 44lb loss over 1 year (and preview of my Valentine's Day dress)

Hello Friends!

I started my weight loss/fitness journey last year in March. I had let my long hours at work lead to poor food choices and a life of stagnation which lo and behold made me gain so much weight over the years. The weight gain was slow and stealthy... seemed to just creep up out of no where. Until before you know it, I was waddling instead of walking. Out of breath after one small flight of stairs. Buying plus sized and flowy clothes. Hiding behind other people in pictures. Eventually my body revolted and I ended up having all kinds of health issues eventually landing me in the hospital and having surgery. Ughhh this is not the kind of life I imagined!

Before starting, I thought to myself, "OK I need to just give up my love for food and everything delicious." But how wrong I was. I consulted a physical trainer on how to get started and after that picked it up on my own. At first yes, going cold turkey on pizza, donuts and other comfort foods was stressful to say the least. The cravings were horrible. But after the first hell month, it got better little by little. Finding the compromise and balance between total deprivation and total indulgence was the most difficult part and it took much trial and error. Turns out there WERE in fact things I liked that were healthy like cucumbers, apples, almond butter, salmon, yummy frozen protein shakes, steak salads, any vegetable with cheese on it lol....

I learned the difference between Emotional and Physical Hunger, how to meal prep a balanced day and what kind of proportions to use, even the difference between the best and worst types of fruits and veggies (see photos below). As you will I am sure read in many forums, weight loss is at least 70% diet. For cardio, all I did was walk or hike whenever my schedule would allow. Over time, the fat started melting away and every now and then I would need a new pair of jeans when the old ones started falling off again. What a great feeling!

Here I'm posting my progression photos here to show that once I decided to really focus on my food choices amazing things happened. My husband was supportive so I was very lucky to have him to help me through the process, but if you don't have anyone in your life, there are so many people here on MFP that are here to cheer you on! It's an excellent resource on so many levels. I still had my binge days and cheated now and then, but I also learned to forgive myself and move on to the next day afterwards.

In the progression pictures, the last photo is the dress that I am going to wear this Valentine's Day and hope to really WOW hubby! I can't even believe it's a size Small and fits me. I used to be at least an XXL!

There were 2 phrases that would be in my head throughout the hardest parts (especially when I would be making up all kinds of reasons why I should be able to skip the gym that day or how carrot cake was really still nutritious b/c it has carrot in it). :blush:


Find your own phrase to tell yourself when you want to give up, and remember WHY you are doing this. If I can do it, you can too!




  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Congrats. You look amazing!
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Fantastic achievement, and if your husband isn't "wowed" by that dress there's something wrong with him :D
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    @lseed87 Thank you so much!
    @star1407 Thank you - I think he is going to like it a lot! I'm so happy to wear something tight and actually feel good about it. Haven't been able to do this in at least 5 years maybe more
  • efrensgirl2015
    efrensgirl2015 Posts: 480 Member
    great experience. thanks for sharing the extra info too. congrats on your accomplishment. you look fabulous!
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    Congratulations. You look amazing
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    You look great! and your positive personality shines through in your post - thanks for sharing :smile:
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    @lseed87 Thank you so much!
    @star1407 Thank you - I think he is going to like it a lot! I'm so happy to wear something tight and actually feel good about it. Haven't been able to do this in at least 5 years maybe more

    Good on ya girl, enjoy every minute of it!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    You look incredible! Enjoy your Valentine's Day :)
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats on your success. Thank you for the diagrams, chart and food information. It is very helpful.
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    @efrensgirl2015 @Brenda_1129 It's my pleasure to share these info. pages because these are what made the most difference to me. Learning that specific food cravings was not "real" hunger and other signs of emotional hunger shed a lot of light on things and learning how to put together meals was like a science project so the food pie and optimal food choice pages were my bible, especially for dinners. The plan was always 1 lean meat, 1 carb or starchy veggie, 1 leafy veggie. So I was always forgetting what type of veggie it was LOL. I could have say salmon, a yam, and spinach, but not salmon, a yam and carrots (2 starchies).

    @Peter_Brady thanks for your kind words :smile:
    @meryl135 haha so glad you can feel the positive energy. A year of hard work in the making and now I'm just beaming rainbows and still in disbelief that those last photos are really me. I feel like it's someone else...
    @puffbrat @star1407 Oh I am totally getting lucky on V-day :):):)
  • lisa_hat87
    lisa_hat87 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations u look fab x
  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    I'm so glad I came here to read your story. Thank you for sharing. You have inspired me even more :)
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    edited February 2016
    sorry I made a mistake and don't know how to delete this post
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You go girl congrats looking good
  • MelanieBruce1
    MelanieBruce1 Posts: 20 Member
    Amazing! Love your story and your pics <3<3
  • sbermud
    sbermud Posts: 58 Member
    The time you eat doesn't matter.
    You look great!
  • golfergirl92
    golfergirl92 Posts: 79 Member
    I really liked the part about emotional/physical hunger....sometimes I have to reread that because I work in a bakery with extras all the time. I bring a snack like a protein bar/shake to eat before I can take my lunch which could sometimes be anywhere from 4-8 hours after I had breakfast. I won't let myself go to lunch until I am truly hungry for whatever I had in my lunch box like a salad because it's too tempting to go get something else that satisfies the craving of the moment like smothered chicken and mashed potatoes. I know if I'm actually hungry then I'll eat what I brought and if I don't want what I brought (and sounded good at 4:30 am when I packed it), then most likely I really just wanted the extra donut holes. Thanks for sharing that again!!
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Fantastic work and Thanks for sharing the info sheets, especially the emotional vs physical hunger one.
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    @golfergirl92 @fidangul that was s big one / learning about real vs emotional eating! I realized that my poor food choices usually happened when either I was really stressed out OR I went too long without eating, would get ravenously hungry and end up at the vending machines.
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    @rebeccaEsmith @MelanieBruce1 @sbermud Thank you so much and wishing you success in meeting your own health goals as well!
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