In Need of Advice

Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
edited February 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Me and My Chica need advice from our MFP family...when trying to get into a workout routine and trying to stay and be consistent what are some tips to get us to just do it no matter how Our day goes. Advice please. What gets you going?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I found buying a pass and signing up for a class really helped me be consistent when I first started.
    I didn't want to waste the money I had spent on a 1 year pass, and I treated the classes like appointments that I couldn't miss.
    It worked. I still get my year pass every year (7), but now sign up for classes only when there is one that appeals to me. I don't need the appointment strategy any more.

    Cheers, h.
  • DStroyNKonker
    DStroyNKonker Posts: 19 Member
    Set your alarm... wake up....and do it. Set out your workout clothes the night before. Put it in your calendar. Log your workouts. Hold eachother accountable. Most importantly, stop making excuses and chose your health:)
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I found buying a pass and signing up for a class really helped me be consistent when I first started.
    I didn't want to waste the money I had spent on a 1 year pass, and I treated the classes like appointments that I couldn't miss.
    It worked. I still get my year pass every year (7), but now sign up for classes only when there is one that appeals to me. I don't need the appointment strategy any more.

    Cheers, h.

    Wow great advice thank you...impressive thank you.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Set your alarm... wake up....and do it. Set out your workout clothes the night before. Put it in your calendar. Log your workouts. Hold eachother accountable. Most importantly, stop making excuses and chose your health:)

    Straight forward but still amazing and on point advice, thank you.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Mswife09 wrote: »
    Me and My Chica need advice from our MFP family...when trying to get into a workout routine and trying to stay and be consistent what are some tips to get us to just do it no matter how Our day goes. Advice please. What gets you going?

    Simply make it part of your routine. Either before work, or in the evening after work - and of course on weekends. Whether you call it a "work out date" or not is up to you, but you really have to simply incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    Mswife09 wrote: »
    Me and My Chica need advice from our MFP family...when trying to get into a workout routine and trying to stay and be consistent what are some tips to get us to just do it no matter how Our day goes. Advice please. What gets you going?
    Mswife09 wrote: »
    Me and My Chica need advice from our MFP family...when trying to get into a workout routine and trying to stay and be consistent what are some tips to get us to just do it no matter how Our day goes. Advice please. What gets you going?

    My gym offers several classes everyday. I tried a few at times that worked for me (I have an incredibly busy work schedule) and found a few I liked. Then it didn't seem like such a chore to go work out because I was having fun. Now that I've been working out consistently for a few months, I find myself genuinely wanting to go work out rather than having to talk myself into it. Keep at it for awhile doing something you enjoy and you'll much more likely stick to it. The classes that worked for me were Zumba, Cize, Body Pump, and Yoga. Good luck!
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    Join a challenge. Either on here or with a group of friends. Being accountable to someone else can be helpful motivation. Setting up a reward system can be as well, such as rewarding yourself after doing so many workouts or losing a certain number of pounds. Set goals. Also, even though someone mentioned laying out your workout clothes the night before, I tend to sleep in something I will workout in the next day so I'm already dressed for it. Toss on socks and shoes and get going! Less laundry that way too! ;)
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Mswife09 wrote: »
    Me and My Chica need advice from our MFP family...when trying to get into a workout routine and trying to stay and be consistent what are some tips to get us to just do it no matter how Our day goes. Advice please. What gets you going?

    Simply make it part of your routine. Either before work, or in the evening after work - and of course on weekends. Whether you call it a "work out date" or not is up to you, but you really have to simply incorporate into your daily routine.

    This. You have to make it a habit. It has to become part of your normal routine where it is an expected, and prepared for, piece of time out of your day.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Make working out an appointment that you can't miss.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    Agreed with the class element, I go to a gym that if you cancel your spot with less than 12 hours notice (emergencies aside - of course), you're charged. That's a big motivator for me.

    Also, have all of your things ready to go.

    Be honest with your friend. Be tough on each other. There will be days you don't want to go and she needs to be tough on you. And vice versa. And - if she bails, YOU still go.

    Read some of the success stories here, that's crazy motivation for me.