Do you eliminate certain foods?

My friend lost 30 lbs fairly quickly through consistent exercise and cutting out breads and sugars. She looks great and feels even better. I'm considering jump starting my weight loss since I'm stuck at a 3 lb. loss after nearly a month of working my tail off.

If you do eliminate certain foods: what do you eliminate? How has doing that helpd you lose weight?


  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I've cut out white bread, white rice, and white pasta. A lot of carbs. I'm getting plenty in other foods. Cut way back on 'processed foods'. (Lots of sodium in them) Finding it's not been that difficult once I got going with MFP. To me the trick has been to eat fiber to fill me up and keep me full. Good luck. Oh, and I am slowly losing the weight.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I was a vegan for a year, a vegetarian for the year following, and a pescetarian (vegetarian but I'd eat seafood) for a year after that - and after those three years, I'm DONE telling myself that I can't have certain foods. I didn't lose any weight on those 'diets' (because everything is a diet whether you're limiting anything or not) because I didn't check portions with all of the heaps of veggies cooked in olive oil. It was healthy, sure, but calorically it wasn't cutting it.

    Cutting bread and sugars will get rid of TONS of calories - and if you did that, I'm sure you'd lose weight. There's an element of health to that, though, too. Does your friend still eat fruit? What kinds of sugars does she include in her diet? And is there room for tortillas or pastas? It sounds like she's cutting carbs and calories, which will work.
  • simplysarahd
    I was a vegan for a year, a vegetarian for the year following, and a pescetarian (vegetarian but I'd eat seafood) for a year after that - and after those three years, I'm DONE telling myself that I can't have certain foods. I didn't lose any weight on those 'diets' (because everything is a diet whether you're limiting anything or not) because I didn't check portions with all of the heaps of veggies cooked in olive oil. It was healthy, sure, but calorically it wasn't cutting it.

    Cutting bread and sugars will get rid of TONS of calories - and if you did that, I'm sure you'd lose weight. There's an element of health to that, though, too. Does your friend still eat fruit? What kinds of sugars does she include in her diet? And is there room for tortillas or pastas? It sounds like she's cutting carbs and calories, which will work.
    She still eats fruit and the pasta and tortillas are either whole grain or gluten free. I can't remember which....
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    With the obvious exception of Vodka I try to live by a "if it's not good for you, don't stick it in your face." philosophy.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i don't eat refined sugars or flours, or artificial sweeteners.
    Just honey or maple syrup.. or whole grain flours.

    i still have breads, pastas, cheeses, chocolates.. basically... i still have everything i love.. just in moderation and healthier versions now *L*
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I've not really cut out anything in particular consciously but I never used to eat much bread anyway and haven't really had any since I started this. Also I've cut down the amount of times I eat pasta and rice. I much prefer to have veg and potatoes instead now.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I eliminated soda, processed foods, white carbs (bread, refined sugar, pasta, rice, flour) and all things containing trans fat (cookies, muffins, cake, donuts, etc.). I drastically reduced the amount of alcohol and milk I drink because I would rather eat my calories than drink them.

    If I needed a sweetener I used cinammon, real maple syrup or honey. Whole wheat pasta or whole grain bread and brown rice in moderation. Buckwheat flour when making pancakes or waffles, which was rare. All of this helped me reach my goal weight in 4 months.

    I did allow myself a little dark chocolate every day otherwise I'm afraid of what might happen. :angry:
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    With the obvious exception of Vodka I try to live by a "if it's not good for you, don't stick it in your face." philosophy.

    Hah! Love it!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't entirely eliminate certain foods, just don't eat as much of them. Like I don't go for things with a lot of processed sugars, and opt for fresh fruits instead. If I do get bread or carbs, I'll make them whole grain or wheat, so they're complex carbs and break down better. But if I have rice occasionally, I don't sweat it.

    For me, it's just been about moderation, not complete restriction. I never had a thing for soda or sweet drinks, so I never had to cut those out, which I think is always a bit help, since a lot of people I know drop weight quickly when they cut out calories from drinks, especially soda.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    Eliminate sugary drinks! If you want a flavored drink put a little crystal light in your water or squeeze lemon juice in it!

    Cut out sugary sweets..desert, ice-cream, cake, candy, cookies, etc..

    LIMIT your dairy intake. Drink lowfat milk or soy/almond (unsweetened), if you have cottage cheese/ sour cream/ yogurt... Make sure they are NON-fat. Fat free doesn't mean anything! Cut down on adding cheese (you can't even taste cheese in a salad so you don't really need it! That's what I tell myself).

    Cut out white foods. They are basically non-nutritional. White flour, white sugar, white bread, white rice, etc.

    Instead of any regular bread try Ezekiel bread. There's only like 3 ingredients (that you can actually read and know what they are!). Also comes in yummy flavors like cinnamon raisin! If you don't want to switch breads and like whole wheat make sure it says 100% whole wheat/whole grain (whatever kind of brand). The 100% part is important! Only allow yourself 2slices a day MAX.

    Hmm let's see...I quit using iceberg lettuce and now use spinach. When I think I'm hungry I drink some water and wait 15 min. If I am still hungry then, then I'll eat something small.

    Obviously NO fast food!! If you even think something may not be healthy chances are it's not! Read the nutritional info.

    Salsa is amazing low cal and healthy. Most "healthy" cereals are not. Oatmeal is great with flaxseed is a good thing to add! Egg whites are good, I usually do 2 whites with a whole. A good (not very tasty) yogurt is Greek yogurt. Stop eating frozen packaged meals they are no good! Frozen veggies are ok but fresh is always better!!

    Sorry everything was random!! Hope I helped!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    My friend lost 30 lbs fairly quickly through consistent exercise and cutting out breads and sugars. She looks great and feels even better. I'm considering jump starting my weight loss since I'm stuck at a 3 lb. loss after nearly a month of working my tail off.

    If you do eliminate certain foods: what do you eliminate? How has doing that helpd you lose weight?

    I'm in the same boat. after I log in my food diary, I see carbs and sugars are over my goals. some call it the white diet (cutting out all white foods like white sugar, flour, milk,) I have a hard time because it's in everything. I think I have to be preparing all my meals so I know what's in them but really, I don't have that kind of time. But don't beat yourself up too much, you said you're exercising all the time. That will definitely build muscle which as I'm sure you know is heavier than fat. I bet you feel stronger than ever?!
  • tek254
    tek254 Posts: 10
    I am on a low fiber diet due to a medical condition. No wheat or rye, no fillers, no caffeine (a little), no veg's or nuts. Grilled, baked, or steamed. Has been working great. Water intake around 5-6 day as well as ensure to balance out calorie intake which is around 1500.